Wed. Jan 29th, 2025

You can have great attention to detail. But the real test is whether you notice inconvenient details that clash with your firmly held beliefs.


In “Look,” author Christian Madsbjerg cites the example of an electronics executive who was so focused on developing big-screen TVs that he ignored consumers’ shifting habits of watching shows on their smartphones and laptops.

Top leaders keep an open mind as they observe what’s going on around them. They accept and even welcome information that contradicts what they think or upends their plans.

“You want to look for information that disproves your point,” said Eduardo Briceno, author of “The Performance Paradox.” Capturing only those details that reinforce what you already believe can distort your outlook and lead to misguided, ill-informed decisions.

Train yourself to see and hear everything, even if it clashes with your preferred way of thinking. How do you stay open to all kinds of external stimuli?

Embrace Humility For Attention To Detail

Leaders with big egos may assume they have all the answers. As a result, they shrug off anyone or anything that challenges their self-proclaimed truth.

“They think of themselves as know-it-alls,” said Briceno, a facilitator and keynote speaker in San Jose, Calif. “People who are great leaders are always looking to expand their understanding and learn from others. They have a different mental model — an ‘I’m a work in progress’ attitude as their default.”

Draw Conclusions Slowly

In a fast-paced world, it’s tempting to render snap judgments rather than pay attention to detail. If new data or details go against what you think, you might label them as wrong and quickly move on.

It’s better to ask at least one follow-up question “to dive deeper without judging right away and coming to a conclusion,” Briceno said. Examples of follow-up inquiries include, “To what extent is this detail commonplace or an anomaly?” or “How reliable is the source of this information?”

Search For More Attention To Detail

Ideally, your curiosity leads you to keep learning and absorbing diverse sources of information. The search for fresh insight supersedes your need to be right.

If you notice a detail that you don’t like, adopt a mantra such as, “I’ll explore, not defend.”

“When we explore, we’re open to taking new routes and seeing different things,” said Rich Horwath, chief executive of the Strategic Thinking Institute in Barrington, Ill.

Listen To Aides

You’re less likely to ignore inconvenient details if you heed colleagues’ input. Waving off their ideas or feedback can come back to bite you.

“Some leaders think they’re the only ones who can fly the plane,” said Horwath, author of “Strategic.” “They fall prey to ‘captainitis,’ where they don’t listen to the co-pilot” and wind up making faulty and potentially fatal decisions.

Beat Back Negative Emotions

Gird for situations when you get stinging input. Expect to react emotionally — and fight off impulsive reactions.

When we notice inconvenient details or get information we don’t want, it can trigger intense emotions, says Talia Fox, chief executive of KUSI Global, a leadership training firm in Washington, D.C. We can respond with anger, sadness or shame, which in turn “causes us to have a cloudy mind or be offended,” she added.

A smarter approach is to manage our emotional reaction. Rather than turn argumentative or aggressive, pause and ask yourself questions such as, “What’s the opportunity here?” or “How can I practice my competence as a leader now?”

Look Deeper For Attention To Detail

Don’t just focus on what you see. Ask yourself, “What am I not seeing?”

“Observe what is and how things are connected,” said Fox, author of “The Power of Conscious Connection.” Dig to determine what data or details you’re missing, not just what’s in front of you.


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The post Ignore Inconvenient Truths At Your Own Risk appeared first on WorldNewsEra.


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