Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

A MUM was left devastated after her kids were sent home on their first day of school because she couldn’t afford their correct uniform.

Niome Narine said her sons Regan and Rayshawn had worn the same outfit to school as they did the previous year, which was allowed by school leaders at the time.

Fox9Niome with her children Regan (left), Raysahwn (middle) and Revecca (right)[/caption]

The children had all worn the same outfit as they did the previous year – which was allowed by school leaders at the timeFox9

Regan and his little brother Raysahwn were pulled from their morning class at the Athlos Leadership Academy in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, for not wearing the school logo on their shirts.

On their first day back, the boys were put in a room away from others where they weren’t even allowed to talk before being sent home.

Regan, who couldn’t have been more eager to get through his first day of 3rd grade, told FOX 9: “I was excited to meet my teacher, get new friends but instead I was sent home.

“I thought we were in trouble but it was actually our uniform.”

Even their sister, Revecca, who was all set to start 4th grade soon was forced to stay home.

“She packed her backpack and everything and had to come back,” mother Niome said.

Athlos Leadership Academy is a public charter school with a strict uniform policy that was enforced this year in the name of safety and success.

But with three children to dress, it’s too expensive for Niome.

“It’s hard to spend $35 (£28) on a sweatshirt then you have to get other clothes,” Niome said.

When the Champlin mother picked up her sons she was met with contempt.

“They didn’t even offer me anything, they just said ‘okay we’re going to get the backpack ready, we’re going to get the school supplies ready,’” she said.

All Niome wants is flexibility and for the school to “lower the price and work with the family.”

However, she is now left searching for a more reasonable schooling option.

“I don’t know what tomorrow’s going to be for them,” Niome said. “They don’t have a school to go to now.”

Elsewhere, a dad revealed how his daughter was left in tears and refused to return to school after being sent home for her “lingerie outfit”.

Christopher Wilson, from Canada, said Karis had only wanted to feel good about herself.

Karis, now 19, was sent home in February 2021 after she was informed that her clothes had made a male teacher feel “awkward”.

Another female teacher had said that the attire reminded her of a “lingerie outfit”.


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