Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

ITALY’S impressive Mount Etna has been seen lighting up the sky as the massive volcano sent 1,000C lava and ash flying across Catania.

Amazing photos show the moment Etna took off and blasted scorching streams of molten lava down it’s side as it produced a spectacular lava fountain that’s threatened to disrupt travel.

GettyMount Etna sent 1,000C lava cascading down the volcano and lighting up the Italian night sky[/caption]

ReutersThe eruption has sparked potential concerns over airports being shut down because of the thick ash clouds covering the sky[/caption]

APAmazing pictures show the moment the volcano produced a spectacular lava fountain[/caption]

Holidaymakers leaving from International Vincenzo Bellini Airport could be in for a rough time as the clouds of ash and lava could stop flights like it has on several occasions before in big eruptions.

Europe’s most active volcano looked incredibly stunning as red hot lava ran down the side of the giant structure and turned up the heat on the Italian coast.

The sky was illuminated in bright oranges and reds before a menacing cloud of ash took over and disrupted Sicily’s thriving nightlife on December 1.

One flow of lava was seen graciously flowing from one side of the volcano as another more devastating stream made it’s way in the opposite direction.

Etna rarely causes any real significant damage when it has one of it’s famous volcanic outbursts but the eruptions have consistently sent ash clouds over 33,000ft into the air, closing Sicilian airports and causing locals to stop and stare at the explosive sight. 

Earlier this year in August, all flights serving Catania were stopped after an eruption that caused fresh travel troubles to the plagued city.

Despite Mount Etna not being seen as life-threatening when it erupts, there have been a number of bad injuries suffered when it blows.

The latest dodgy spell happened back in March 2017, when 10 people were left injured, including a TV crew, when magma exploded the moment it touched some snow.

Members of the crew and guides were pelted with boiling rocks and steam that left a guide with a dislocated shoulder and the rest of the team with burns, cuts and bruises.

The horror incident caused carnage and left the victims “very shaken” by the “extremely scary” blast.

Since November 2023, lots of mild blasts have gone off in Etna as she constantly produces a massive ashy fallout down the slope of the volcano.

The Sicilian volcano has been constantly experiencing these magnificent eruptions for a couple of weeks now from its snow capped Southeast Crater.

Mount Etna is believed to have the longest documented history of eruptions amongst all volcanoes in the world, with data going back around 500,000 years ago when the first volcanic activity was recorded.

The volcano has become a vital part of Sicily’s existence with the soil below it being so fertile from the blasts that it allows for vineyards and orchards to flourish with the ideal conditions for growth.

Etna is one of Sicily’s biggest tourist attractions and gets thousands of visitors every year trying to catch a glimpse at an explosion.

With two ski resorts on the mountain and a cable car that takes you over 8,000ft in the air the volcano is a must see spot for many Europeans.

Towering Etna is the tallest active volcano in Europe and stands at a staggering 10,900ft – making it the highest peak in Italy south of the Alps.

Although scientists studying the giant volcanos movements have voiced concerns over it edging closer to the Mediterranean Sea by 14mm every year, which could result in “devastating” consequences.

GettyMount Etna is Europe’s most active volcano and also the continents tallest[/caption]

GettyLava was seen flowing from two directions after the explosion came from the Southeast Crater[/caption]

ReutersEtna has experienced constant explosions since mid November[/caption]


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