Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Welcome back to another Monday Morning Q&A where I toss out some questions to get a feel of how you guys and gals are feeling about certain topics.

So here are 5 questions I’d like to toss out for this week. I’ll give my answers, too, but the key here is that I want to know what YOU think! So make sure you chime in!

1) WWE has taped the next 2 weeks of NXT, as well as the next episode of SmackDown. In all likelihood, tonight, after Raw, they’ll record next week’s edition as well, if it isn’t a clip show “best of” episode. When this happens, and spoilers are up to see the results before they air, are you more inclined to watch, less inclined, or will you check it out regardless (and possibly even avoid the spoilers altogether)?

Since this is my job, rather than just outright being a fan with no other attachment, I do read the spoilers in advance. That not only makes my job easier, as far as being able to write things out ahead of time and to even inform myself of predictions, but it also means I get the rare chance to not have to pay as much attention.

There’s an overabundance of wrestling out there. Back in the day, there’d be 2 hours of Raw and Nitro, and that was it. Even when there was SmackDown and Thunder and so on, it was still more easily digestible. These days, if you watch even just WWE and nothing else, it’s 9 hours of pure in-ring television, plus digital shows. When you throw in all of AEW’s content, Ring of Honor, Impact, NWA, and all the other stuff, it’d be impossible to watch it all.

I limit myself to not having to watch shows like Main Event and NXT Level Up, for example. Ultimately, nobody really cares about those. And on weeks where there are spoilers, I’ll still put on NXT and SmackDown, for example, but I won’t pay 100% attention to them. Instead, I’ll use that time to write up other articles, focus on other tasks (like stupid chores around the house; I’ll fold laundry with this in the background instead of having my eyes glued to my screen).

I wouldn’t want that to be a regular thing, as it does take away from the experience of watching it live, but I do appreciate the break now and then. That goes double for a busy season like the holidays and the end of the year when I have more content to pump out there than on a month like June.

2) WWE is bringing back “Day 1” as the first episode of Raw (on January 1st) and “New Year’s Revolution” as the first episode of SmackDown (on January 5th), along with the typical NXT New Year’s Evil episode coming January 9th. What are some other old event names that you’d like to see WWE repurpose, and in what fashion?

I ask this question here and there every couple years, because I think it’s not only fascinating, but a great overall idea. They have the trademarks. Use them!

Both of those were always examples I would use, so I’m glad to see them back. I think WWE should have an internal document that alerts people of all the trademarks they can use so that they can re-up this every year when they’re booking a few months in advance.

Here are some ideas I’d like to see them bring back:

Roadblock and Fastlane should stay on the Road to WrestleMania time frame. Although, repurposing Fastlane for the Indianapolis event was pretty fitting a few months ago.
Halftime Heat or Super Brawl – Do that during the Super Bowl as a regular thing.
Spring Stampede – Maybe call this the post-Mania live event tour?
I still think Breaking Point is better than Spring Breakin’
Fall Brawl should definitely make a return in September. Special episode of NXT? Live tour name?
Capitol Punishment for when they’re in Washington, D.C.

3) Just after announcing a tag title match for Worlds End, Kenny Omega is out of action while recovering from diverticulitis. How do you think AEW should handle this?

The roster seems so snake bit this year, doesn’t it? Look at all the injuries that have gotten in the way of title programs. It’s a big enough list that I can’t even count them all off the top of my head.

Clearly, this can’t be another situation where it’s just Chris Jericho and a random extra teammate. Whatever the purpose of this Golden Jets angle is, it revolves around it being Jericho and Omega. The only possible person that I can see filling in Omega’s shoes is Kota Ibushi, but even then, I think they’d have to go with yet another new name, rather than continuing as Golden Jets. No idea what that name would be, though.

If not Jericho and Ibushi together, the match needs to be scrapped. New No. 1 contenders need to be established (at New Year’s Smash, at the last minute, if need be, although earlier than that would be much better), or a multi-team match should be thrown on the card. If you don’t have the time to build something on quality, then quantity is your next best option, as maybe fans will be interested in FTR and some others just outright wrestling to offset the lack of a build.

To be honest, I think AEW needs a breather. Almost every story in 2023 was plagued with problems and had to be reshuffled around and was just too chaotic for my tastes. A lot of that wasn’t avoidable, but I do think even when it was, it was handled in poor fashion and could’ve had more of a backup plan approach. I’d like to see Worlds End be a sort of reboot point and for the start of the year to have a new plan for everyone that comes off as plugging the hole for these problems, rather than to continue to try to use a bucket to take water out of a sinking ship.

4) Who do you think should win the ROH Women’s World Television Championship?

Was this at all necessary? Ugh. I’ve never been a fan of the idea of a “television championship” dating back to even when I was watching WCW back as a kid, as these titles are ALL defended on television. But regardless of the stupid name, I just can’t imagine there’s enough depth out there to justify having another champion, and it’s just Tony Khan going into the New Japan school of thought where there are 100 titles cause it’s easier to have someone defend that belt than to craft a true storyline around a feud.

With that in mind, and with Final Battle out of the way and Billie Starkz failing to dethrone Athena, maybe it’s as simple as Starkz winning that title, instead.

That’s the simplest, easiest course of action I could imagine, at least.

If not, then it depends on who is signed to the company. That information isn’t really out there. Even the AEW roster page isn’t exactly up to date, nor does it include people who are signed to other types of deals, or outsiders that have a working relationship and agreement where Khan would be fine giving them a belt, like how Katsuyori Shibata was the Pure champion and isn’t (to the best of my knowledge) an official member of the Ring of Honor brand.

Willow Nightingale? Taya Valkyrie? This is a midcard title, so I’d assume certain people are above it, like a Ruby Soho or a Nyla Rose, but I could also see giving it to a more established name like that to try to boost its credibility from the onset.

If not just Starkz, maybe the best course of action is to give it to a woman like Skye Blue. Assuming she’s not winning the AEW Women’s World Championship or TBS Championship any time soon, giving her this belt allows her something to do and room to grow.

5) What do you think WWE Speed is going to be about?

By all accounts, two matches were filmed and they only had 5 minutes each, with the winner of the match getting 1 point (whatever that means) and the loser being docked a point, or 0 points awarded for a draw, right?

First off, why was this not called Velocity, especially since it seems to be the green brand in a sense? It’s a dumb, bland, generic name. If you need to go with “quick” as a concept, even WWE Dash sounds better, to me (but I still wouldn’t like that, either).

Since this was recorded prior to SmackDown, and the WWE logo on the graphic is blue, I’m wondering if this is part of a deal that’s yet to be announced, where WWE managed to get yet another company to buy for a low-effort, do-nothing extra in-ring program similar to Main Event being recorded before Raw and NXT Level Up being recorded before NXT. However, they probably just realized if they go with yet another strictly simple format, the views will continue to be as absent as they are for the other two, so they’re trying up an “exciting new gimmick” to spice things up and try to get people interested.

Judging by the use of Axiom against Cedric Alexander and Bronson Reed against Nathan Frazer, I’m not expecting much out of this, but I’m very curious where this is going to pop up. Amazon Prime? YouTube? Hulu? Having only 10 minutes recorded so far definitely doesn’t give me the vibe that it’ll be some half hour program on USA, for example.

Let us know your thoughts about these questions by answering them in the comments!

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The post Who Should Be ROH Women’s TV Champion? and more Monday Morning Q&A appeared first on WorldNewsEra.


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