Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Limitless Wrestling “Force of Nature”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
December 16, 2023 in Yarmouth, Maine, at Yarmouth Amvets Post #2

Yarmouth is 122 miles (about a two-hour drive) north of Boston on the Atlantic Ocean. The venue is a large room and it was sold out with perhaps 500 or so fans. I’ve seen other shows from this venue and it works well for wrestling. The lighting was good. Johnny Torres provided commentary. Only four matches were announced in advance so we have a lot of mystery matches.

1. Anthony Greene defeated TJ Crawford at 14:51. Former NXT wrestler Greene (f/k/a August Grey) has been wrestling a lot in NOAH in Japan; he’s an unadvertised surprise. The commentators said they have split two prior meetings. Quick mat reversals to open. Greene hit a dive to the floor at 2:00; the fans are wisely seated a bit away from ringside. In the ring, Greene slammed TJ’s knees hard to the mat, and he applied a half crab. TJ nailed a Dragon Suplex at 6:00, then a running knee to the head for a nearfall. Greene hit a superkick. He hit a double-armbar slam, and he again applied a half crab, but TJ reached the ropes.

TJ nailed a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall at 8:30, but he missed a frogsplash. Greene hit a superkick and a second-rope Unprettier faceplant for a believable nearfall; I thought that was it. TJ hit a Tower of London stunner, but Greene hit a second-rope twisting brainbuster, and they were both down. They got up and traded forearm strikes and chops. Greene hit a swinging faceplant. Crawford hit a Tornado DDT and a frogsplash for a believable nearfall at 13:00, and he thought that was it. Crawford hit some roundhouse kicks to the chest. TJ nailed a flip dive to the floor. This has been amazing. Greene hit a superkick and a release suplex into the corner, then a piledriver for the pin. That was great stuff.

2. JT Dunn defeated Ricky Smokes at 10:24. Smokes (think Sammy Guevara) has been competing a lot recently in Wrestling Open. He got on the mic and bashed his former teammate here, Aaron Rourke. He said Aaron isn’t here tonight, and he’s glad about that, because “tonight is about me.” So, Dunn was supposed to face Rourke. Dunn always reminds me of Tony Nese. JT tossed Smokes to the floor. In the ring, Smokes hit a Gory Bomb into the corner and took control. JT hit a rolling stunner at 5:30. JT hit a mid-ring Sliced Bread for a nearfall. Smokes avoided Death By Elbow and he hit a jumping knee to the chest. Smokes hit a diving forearm to the back of the head for a nearfall at 9:00. Unfortunately, the signal from the building was briefly lost but it came back on before the match ended. Dunn hit a Poison Rana, then the Death By Elbow for the pin. Good action.

* Ava Everett and LSG hit the ring. She was advertised, but no opponent was named. She got on the mic and jawed at the fans. She said she’s been working all over the world and not been here, and she hadn’t thought of Limitless one time in her absence, and she was loudly booed, drowning her out. They were about to kiss when Love, Doug came to ringside. He said, “the witch is back, and she brought a flying monkey with her.” Funny. Doug handed the mic to a fan in the front row, who got down on his knee and proposed to his girlfriend in the front row! She said yes and the crowd cheered. Doug has a teammate!

3. Ava Everett and LSG defeated Love, Doug and Gabby Forza at 7:40. I’ve seen Forza a few times; she’s a short powerhouse, similar to Rachael Ellering or Dani Luna. The men opened. The heels were pushed into each other. LSG hit a hard clothesline on Doug. Ava got in and she began to beat down Doug, too. LSG applied an Octopus stretch at 5:00. Gabby finally got the hot tag. She put BOTH opponents on her back and hit a Samoan Drop at 6:30, then a Vader Bomb for a nearfall on LSG. Impressive strength! LSG hit a swinging faceplant on Doug and switched to a crossface, and Doug tapped out.

4. Dezmond Cole defeated Ortiz at 10:56. Cole is the high-flying Ricochet clone and I’m a fan. The crowd chanted “This is awesome!” before they tied up; they shook hands before an intense lockup. Cole hit a flip dive to the floor at 1:30. In the ring, Ortiz took control of the offense. Cole hit a stunner. He hit a summersault dive off the apron to the floor at 5:30. In the ring, Ortiz was back in control. Cole hit a German Suplex for a nearfall at 7:30. He went for a Swanton Bomb, but Ortiz got his knees up. Ortiz nailed a spinebuster, and they were both down. Oritz set up for a Tower of London, but Cole escaped. Cole nailed a Swanton Bomb for the clean pin! That was unexpected.

* Intermission was edited out.

5. “Above the Rest” Tristan Thai and Gabriel Skye defeated “MSP” Aiden Aggro and DangerKid in a best-of-three-falls match at 24:31. These teams have been feuding for awhile, and all four fought at the bell, and it immediately went to the floor. Skye and Aggro traded some good mid-ring offense, with Aggro hitting a Lungblower, and DangerKid hitting a splash to pin Skye at 7:15. MSP continued working over Skye and blocked him from tagging out. DK hit a DDT on Thai as Tristan was tied in the ropes at 11:00. Skye rolled up Aggro out of nowhere for a pin at 13:35! Just like that, it is tied 1-1. Both DangerKid and Aggro were shocked.

MSP hit stereo superkicks on Thai. They brawled to the floor, and Skye threw Aggro out a door and held it shut, so Aggro was outside the building! Skye hit a top-rope flying knees on Danger Kid for a nearfall, but Aggro perfectly timed his return to the ring to break it up at 20:00. (It took him comically too long to find another door to get back into the building.) Aggro ripped off the tape on Skye’s damaged right shoulder, and MSP worked over the injured shoulder. Danger Kid hit a senton on Skye for a nearfall at 23:00 and he was shocked that didn’t get the pin. Tristan gave DK a Monkelyflip toward Skye, who hit a kneestrike on DK for the pin. Good match and fans gave them a standing ovation. They all hugged afterward.

* Thai and Skye left and I instantly knew something was up. Aggro and DangerKid hugged, but then Skye nailed a low blow uppercut on his long-time teammate! Aggro got on the mic and said “I’ve been carrying that sack of shit on my back the entire time!” He repeatedly stomped on DangerKid and the crowd loudly booed. He said if they can’t be the top tag team, then they won’t be a tag team anymore. Aggro challenged him to a match on Jan. 20. Aggro then hit a Shining Wizard on DK.

6. Channing Thomas (w/Sidney Bakabella) defeated Ace Romero to retain the Limitless Title at 23:20. Romero has lost some weight from his peak but he’s still a big man, and he’s the babyface here. Channing attacked from behind with a chairshot to the back, then an (unwarranted) unprotected chairshot to the head, and he repeatedly jabbed the chair into Ace’s gut as Romero rolled on the mat. The ref called for the bell at 0:41, and Romero is already bleeding from the forehead. Thomas started to head to the back, thinking he won by DQ. However, Romero had the belt in his hands and said this match will continue “anything goes.” (I never stopped the stopwatch but we are restarting almost 2 minutes even after the DQ.)

Ace hit a rolling cannonball in the corner at 3:00, and he dumped Channing to the floor. They brawled around the floor and Ace is heavily bleeding. He bodyslammed Channing onto the floor at 6:00, and he hit a senton on the floor! That has no give! He got a door from under the ring. However, Channing got a kendo stick and he repeatedly struck Ace with it at 10:00. In an impressive spot, Channing leapt off an open chair in the ring, channeled his inner Sabu by landing on the top rope, and hitting a springboard dive to the floor on Romero at 12:00. I just didn’t expect that from him. They got back in the ring but Ace has lost a disguting amount of blood at this point.

Romero hit a Samoan Drop and they were both down at 14:30. Romero hit a sideslam for a nearfall. He hit a second-rope superplex for a nearfall at 19:30. Channing hit a top-rope 450 Splash for a nearfall. Channing sprayed Romero with a bottle of lighter fluid and the crowd reacted in shock. Channing sprayed the door in the corner with fluid, too. However, Romero speared Channing through the table, hit a package piledriver and scored a visual pinfall, but Bakabella pulled the ref from the ring. Romero set up to hit Bakabella in the ring, but Channing hit Romero with brass knuckles and scored the cheap pin.

* Dezmond Cole hit the ring and brawled with Channing Thomas. JT Dunn also hit the ring; Channing pushed JT into Dezmond, and Channing grabbed his belt and left.

Final Thoughts: The MSP split was well done. I sensed it was coming, but I presumed it was DangerKid turning heel, as he just comes across as unlikable. I see a lot of potential in Aggro, so I’m optimistic of him having a good singles run now. I’ll actually go with that impressive Greene-Crawford opener for best match, ahead of the MSP-AtR tag, and Ortiz-Cole third. The main event was fine but asking the 350+ pound Romero to go more than 20 minutes in a singles match is asking a bit much. A good show overall; no bad matches here.

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The post Limitless Wrestling “Force of Nature” results: Vetter’s review of Channing Thomas vs. Ace Romero for the Limitless Title, Ortiz vs. Dezmond Cole, Anthony Greene vs. TJ Crawford – Pro Wrestling Dot Net appeared first on WorldNewsEra.


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