Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

As kids, we’re conditioned to go to school, get through high school and apply for colleges. We’re taught to choose what to do with the rest of our lives as young as possible because the earlier we know what to do with life, the faster we can make the right improvements and live a career – rather than a job. We’re taught that spending thirty years in the same company should be lauded, while job hunting makes us flaky. 

The problem with this model is that we expect 18 year olds to decide on their entire future before allowing them to be mature enough for a glass of wine. It’s therefore very common for adults to choose education enrollment later on in life and either get another degree, or skip college altogether and start over. The thing is, it’s really never too late to pursue educational opportunities and whether you are in the midst of a comfortable job or not, you can still go back to school if you want to. Still stuck on the fence? Here’s why you should absolutely say yes to returning to school as an adult.

You’re ready to re-invest in yourself. It’s one thing to say that you want to learn more, but it’s entirely another to invest your money and time in another degree when you’ve done it once already. Your new education will give you confidence, but it’s going to give you a sense of achievement, too. You’re going to feel good with everything you learn, because expanding your mind is nothing short of exciting.

The money it could bring. Some people like to bring more to the table and if that’s you, if you’re looking for a way to stretch your income, going back to retrain into something else will be an excellent way to do it. So many industries are capped when it comes to their incomes, upskilling is a great way to expand your ability to earn more.

You didn’t get the chance before. You can go back to school any time, but not everyone has the opportunity to go to school when they’re 18. If you didn’t have the time or the money to go to school with your peers, you might want to go back later and have that college experience that you missed out on. Not necessarily the party years, but you might go back to experience the education you didn’t get. Career colleges can be more affordable and there are better options now for financial aid. You can even study part time.

You can do it online. Okay, so you want to go to school and you want to learn and expand your skills, but now you have a family to support and responsibilities to think about. It’s time to consider whether you want to do school online and study around your job. With so many courses moving online now, you can study while you work and have the best of both worlds.

You can get started whenever you want to. Today could be the day you choose to go back to school and change your life. Today could be the day you go ahead and make positive changes that make you feel good. So why not? Education is accessible enough that you can make that short decision and just go for it if you want to.

You get to set the tone. Your schedule? That’s yours to determine. School now is not like it was as a child. So many adults are heading back to college knowing that the flexible schedules will be on offer and with life’s demands, you need that ability to bend. It’s easy to get highly stressed out over it, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t have the best possible support now while you’re learning. 

You can expand your network. You might have a network in the career you’re in but expanding that is not a bad idea. Elevating your current skills is a great option and networking can be a gamechanger for your career in a world of ‘it’s who you know’. It’s a great way to feel like you have a chance to expand horizons.

You could pivot your career entirely. You’re bored with your job? School could be an option? Great – you have a chance to learn and pivot where you are and do something else. Life is far too short to be unhappily stuck in a position you hate being in.

The post Why You Should Say Yes to Returning to School as an Adult appeared first on The Next Hint.


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