Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

“Heavy drinking or binge drinking has many harmful effects on the body,” says Dr. Volpicelli. “As alcohol is broken down it forms a molecule, acetaldehyde, which is a poison on the body. This poison over time can cause damage to many organs such as the liver, pancreas, stomach, brain and other nerve cells. Acetaldehyde can also cause inflammation of the skin, interferes with immune functioning and increases the risk of cancer, particularly breast cancer in women.” Abstaining from alcohol may also reduce the risk of liver diseases and cardiovascular issues, adds Dr. Hafeez.

Some other vital and immediate health improvement you might experience when you quit drinking: no more dreaded “hangziety.” “When one no longer feels hungover after drinking, you’ll notice improved energy and less feelings of anxiety” Dr. Volcipelli says.

What if cravings or triggers arise?

“First, you want to understand what your triggers are and avoid as many of them as possible,” says Dr. Church. However, there are many triggers that are unavoidable, like feelings of sadness, or loneliness. When this happens and you can’t avoid a trigger or are craving a drink, Dr. Church says,”You can practice strategies for coping with cravings and use a trial and error method to figure out what works best for you. Some common strategies include physical activity, practicing mindfulness, or reaching out to a friend. Distraction techniques are also helpful, like taking a walk, putting on music or engaging in a hobby.”

Fill your time.

Now is the time to explore new hobbies. Robinson goes on to share his own experience, “Becoming sober is not a death sentence. It [can be] a rebirth, like a second life. You’ll quickly see that the enjoyment you have doing all of these things sober far outweigh doing them while drinking. On top of that many new hobbies and experiences will enter your life. Things you always wanted to do or try but you never did because alcohol got in the way. They call them barstool dreams. Things you always spoke about doing but never did.”

Robinson says on the anniversary of his sobriety each year, he does something he’s always wanted to do but haven’t yet. “I’ve taken violin lessons, learned how to fly a plane, got into Jiu Jitzu, the list goes on. I promise you that you will see that there is such a bigger beautiful world out there without a drink in your hand.”

Study up with books and podcasts.

Support your growth and this next phase with useful books and podcasts to give you more perspective on the topic of drinking. “There are hundreds and hundreds of books on Alcoholism and sobriety. The most famous and widely read book is called the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, and in my humble opinion it’s the first book you should read.” advises Robinson. Dr. Church says that books like, This Naked Mind by Annie Grace and Drinking: A Love Story by Caroline Knapp are a good start and podcasts like Recovery Rocks and Sober Curious can offer valuable insights and support.”

Remember: Take it one day at a time

“My initial advice to all my patients is to try to slow down,” says Dr. Church. “I would encourage people to have a lot of compassion for themselves. Quitting drinking is not easy and it takes a lot of focus and practice,” he says. “Try to keep your focus on the present moment, don’t worry about how long you’re going to stay sober, just don’t drink right now. Some people say, “One day at a time”, but I think there are moments in the beginning that you can take it “Breath by breath.”

If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol addiction, please contact the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

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The post Learning How to Quit Drinking Was the The Biggest Gift I’ve Ever Given Myself appeared first on WorldNewsEra.


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