Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

RUNAWAY mum Melanie Batty was caught on camera bamboozling a bailiff with her alternative belief system as he tried to evict her father.

Melanie led a 30-strong mob gathered outside the home of dad David — who had stopped paying his mortgage , claiming he no longer believed in the world banking system.

Alex Batty’s mum led a 30-strong mob gathered outside the home of dad David after bailiffs tried to evict him

FACEBOOK/UNPIXSAlex went missing in Europe with mum Melanie, 43, and grandad David, 64[/caption]

The Huddersfield University law graduate is seen challenging the bailiff in a YouTube video filmed in 2013.

She says: “Statutory law is law that’s given force by consent of the governed.

“In other words if there’s no consent by the governed, it’s not law.

“It’s just a written law.

“Above statute law is something called uniform commercial code and that overrides all statute law in all countries apart from three, the ones we’ve not invaded yet.

“And UCC filings that have not been rebutted state that all statute law is void.

“So basically any right that you’re trying to impose doesn’t actually stand.

“In relation to statue law and everything else, I’m legally trained.

“I’ve got a law degree.

“And I’m aware exactly where you’re coming from.

“I believed statue law was supreme because I was brainwashed too.

“However my research has extended a lot beyond the confinements of what legal people are taught by the powers in charge.

“I can assure you that what we’re doing is lawful and that what you’re about to do is illegal.”

Another bystander warns the bailiff he has walked “into the firepit of hell” by trying to evict David, 64, who warns them “My daughter’s got a law degree.

“She’s been trained to think.”

The two bailiffs eventually walk off after ten minutes of harassment from the group, who are members of a movement called the One People’s Public Trust.

The group claims to have “legally foreclosed” the system of governments and corporations around the world, meaning that all debt has been erased, including bank debts.

The video was recorded in 2013 as David was fighting bailiffs trying to take possession of his house in Oldham, Gtr Manchester when Alex was about seven years old.

Melanie organised 30 people to come to her father’s home and wait for the bailiffs to arrive, before forming a protective barrier around the house.

A close friend of David’s said: “He didn’t like being charged bills.

“He lost his home in the end.

“We told Melanie to appeal the eviction.

“But she said ‘I don’t want to do that because we’re playing their game.’

“That’s what they said.

“They didn’t want to play ‘the game’ any more.

“They got fed up with paying council tax, gas, electric, TV licence and mortgage.

“They decided to go a different way and choose to take Alex down that path.”

Alex is now back home with his gran Susan after he walked out of a rented property in Villefort near Chalabre on December 11.

He was picked up two days later by a delivery driver as he walked along a rural road at 3am on December 13 and handed over to cops.

He returned home on December 16 and enjoyed his first Christmas with his gran for six years.

Gtr Manchester Police have launched a criminal investigation into abduction.

Louis WoodAlex is now living with his grandma in Manchester[/caption]

Melanie is still being tracked down by police


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