Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

HORRIFYING footage shows Russian forces torturing the ISIS terror suspects arrested over the Moscow massacre.

A shocking picture shows a man being given electric shocks to his genitals as he foamed at the mouth while another had his ear cut off and then force-fed back to him.

East2WestLeaked picture shows a man identified as Shamsuddin Fariddun with wires connected to his groin and his mouth foaming as he grits his teeth in pain[/caption]

East2WestFariddun is one of the suspects of the Moscow massacre and has been detained in Russia[/caption]

East2WestAnother angle of the leaked torture clip showing Fariddun[/caption]

Fariddun was seen visiting Crocus City Hall on March 7East2West

A man identified as Shamsuddin Fariddun is shown in a deeply disturbing photograph on a gym floor with his trousers pulled down and wires evidently attached to his groin area.

The wires appear to be from a TA-57 military field telephone capable of discharges of up to 80 volts.

His mouth is visibly foaming and he appears to be clenching his teeth.

This is a barbaric but known electrocution torture technique in Russia, and it follows an incident when one of the suspect’s ears was cut off on camera with a knife when he was detained in Bryansk region on Sunday.

A telegram channel linked to Wagner paramilitary force said the picture shows how “an ordinary interrogation takes place using a military field telephone TA-57, in common parlance ‘Tapik’.

“By turning the coil…discharges are released through the wires… up to 80 volts, which in turn are connected to the prisoner by the fingers, ears or genitals…

“For best effect, the captured militant should be poured with water.”

It appears that the barbaric treatment of suspects of heinous crimes is being deliberately leaked.

The favoured method of disposing of “traitors” by Wagner – headed by former Putin crony Yevgeny Prigozhin – was with a sledgehammer to the head, videos of which were also released.

Human rights group  – which highlights widespread torture in Putin’s jails – said: “For more than 10 years, we have been consistently exposing torture and its systemic nature in Russia.

Torture in Russian prisons

There have been numerous allegations and criticisms against Putin’s administration regarding torture in Russian prisons. These include:

Use of Torture Tactics: Reports have suggested the use of torture tactics such as beatings, electric shocks, suffocation, and psychological abuse against prisoners.

Denial of Due Process: Critics argue that prisoners are often denied basic legal rights and due process, leading to an environment where torture can occur with impunity.

Lack of Accountability: There is criticism over the lack of accountability for those responsible for torture, with accusations that authorities often turn a blind eye to such abuses.

Violation of Human Rights: Torture is a clear violation of human rights, and the Russian government has faced condemnation from international human rights organisations for failing to prevent and address these abuses.

Political Motivations: Some critics argue that torture is used as a tool to suppress dissent and intimidate political opponents, leading to a climate of fear and repression.

ISIS-K gunmen storming the Crocus City Hall on the outskirts of Moscow

Footage showed the moment the masked gunmen stormed Crocus City Hall on Friday night

“It is obvious that sanctions for these tortures, as well as for the torture of Ukrainian prisoners, are given from the very top…

“The same as with Prigozhin using a sledgehammer… an executor of the will of the murderer and dictator Vladimir Putin….

“If there is all the evidence and [it] has been collected, why should the FSB torture the Tajiks?

“So that they take the blame and voice a version [of the atrocity] convenient for Putin and the FSB?”

Fariddun was allegedly seen staking out Crocus City Hall on March 7 when he was pictured at the venue.

This coincided with a warning from the US and UK embassies in Moscow about the imminent threat of a strike on a crowded venue.

Fariddun was seen on his knees after being detained in the Bryansk region on Saturday.

Exiled journalist Dmirty Kolezev – editor of Republic media – said: “The Russian security forces are leaking photos showing that detained terrorist attack suspects are being tortured with electric shocks by tying wires to their genitals.

“I have no doubt that after this there will be admissions that the order to kill people in Crocus was given to them personally by Zelensky.

“Torture is, unfortunately, commonplace. What is unusual here is that the security forces used to bashfully hide this.

“But now they are proud of it and, apparently, they themselves release photographs of torture to friendly Telegram channels.”


Fariddun was one of four ISIS terror suspects accused of killing 137 in Moscow to have been hauled into court covered in cuts and bruises.

Scores of people at a concert were gunned down on Friday night in the deadliest attack inside Russia for two decades.

Vladimir Putin declared Sunday a national day of mourning after vowing to punish all those behind the attack.

At least 137 were killed, including three children, and 182 injured.

Four men accused of opening fire on crowds were forced into a courtroom on Sunday bloodied and bruised.

Putin’s security services had earlier released gruesome footage of their interrogations.

As well as Fariddun’s horror video, one shocking clip showed a suspect having his ear cut off and then force-fed back to him.

In another, one suspect appeared to be missing his eye and was covered in blood.

Meanwhile, a third man was filmed tied up and shivering near a forest as interrogators shouted questions at him.

Images from a Moscow district court showed one of the suspects sitting in the defendant’s cage with a bandage on his severed ear.

Courtroom pictures published by Russian media also showed another suspect brought in on a wheelchair apparently missing an eye.

Another had a black eye and a ripped plastic bag around his neck, and a fourth suspect with a swollen face seemed disoriented and struggling to keep his eyes open.

Moscow’s Basmanny district court on Sunday charged four suspects with acts of terrorism in connection with the attack, naming them as Dalerdzhon Mirzoyev, Saidakrami Rachabalizoda, Shamsidin Fariduni, and Muhammadsobir Fayzov.

It said the men, identified by Russian media as all being citizens of the ex-Soviet republic of Tajikistan living in Russia, would be remanded in pre-trial custody until May 22.

So far 11 people have been detained, including the four suspected gunmen, who fled the concert hall and made their way to the Bryansk region, about 340 km southwest of Moscow.

GettyThe suspects were hauled into court on Sunday[/caption]

AFPSaidakrami Murodali Rachabalizoda had a bandage where his right ear should be[/caption]

APSuspect Mukhammadsobir Faizov was brought in on a wheelchair[/caption]

APMirzoyev pleaded guilty to all charges against him[/caption]


Russia will “kill” the terrorist suspects from the Moscow massacre, vowed close Putin ally Dmitry Medvedev. 

The threat – also applying to any sympathisers of the perpetrators – comes before they have faced trial and despite Russia having a moratorium on use of the death penalty. 

“They were caught. Well done to everyone who caught them,” said Medvedev, deputy head of Putin’s security council and former Russian president and prime minister. 

“Should they be killed? Necessary. And it will be.

“But it is much more important to kill everyone involved. 

“Everyone, who paid, who sympathised, who helped. Kill them all.”

Separately, Russia has awarded dozens of medals to soldiers it claimed stopped the Moscow massacre terrorist suspects from fleeing to Ukraine

The honours for “Courage” appear to be part of a concerted campaign to persuade Russians that Kyiv was in some way behind the Crocus City Hall atrocity.

Dozens of soldiers were awarded over the detentions of the four suspects. 

Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov today declined to answer a CNN question on the alleged torture. 

He was asked about “signs of violent actions” and “bruises” and  swollen faces, and told “there were videos and photos indicating the use of torture.”

Peskov said: “I leave this question unanswered.”

The honoured soldiers were involved in an operation in Bryansk region to detain the suspects, all from Tajikistan. 

Vladimir Putin and his regime have played up the version – widely denied – that Ukraine played a role in the massacre which is seen as having been carried out by an ISIS-linked terrorist grouping. 

A Russian general was wheeled out to present medals to army troops from the  Leningrad Military District.

Lt-Gen Esedulla Abachev “presented state and departmental awards to the military personnel… who distinguished themselves during the detention of terrorists in the Bryansk region that had participated in the attack on Crocus City Hall”.

He “personally congratulated each one, highly appreciating the accomplishment of the assigned combat missions”.

The awards were for “Courage” and “Military Distinction”.

Medals also went to members of the Akhmat-Russia regiment – loyal to Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov – who were also involved in the operation. 

They “distinguished themselves in the search for and neutralisation of particularly dangerous terrorists who had carried out a horrendous terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall.”

FSB special forces officers were also involved in detaining the four.

Kremlin-loyal Readovka media outlet said that an OSINT analysis had confirmed they were aiming for the Ukrainian border. 

“The terrorists who carried out the massacre at Crocus City Hall were indeed moving towards Ukraine – this is evidenced by OSINT analysis data that compares the landscape of the area,” said the outlet. 

They are believed to have been held at two locations close to Khatsun village, in the Karachaevsk district of Bryansk region, and Kommuna, Navinsky district, around 87 miles to the Ukrainian border. 

The location is around 103 miles from the Belarus border. 

Amid a claim the pro-Putin media is under orders to highlight a Ukraine link, Readovka was clear about its conclusion. 

The outlet said: “So there should be no questions about where the militants were fleeing to, who were promised 500,000 roubles [£4,290] for the mass murder of ordinary, innocent people, no matter how much Kyiv would like to wash away its involvement in the cold-blooded execution of peaceful Russian citizens.

SHOT media said two of the four suspects visited Crocus City Hall at least five times in the two weeks before the terrorist attack. 

He was registered in Krasnogorsk, and was officially employed at a factory in Podolsk.

He was allegedly the leader of the group, and was  pictured allegedly undergoing electric shock torture with wires attached to his groin area.

Fayzov – seen in a wheelchair in court – is single and until January worked in a barber’s shop in Ivanovo

He suffered a serious eye injury during his arrest. 

In court he was accompanied by doctors and had a catheter and urine bag installed.

The other suspects are Dalerjon Mirzoev, 32, a father of four who does not understand Russian, and Saidakrami Rachabalizoda, 30 whose war was cut off, who is  married with a child. 

The Basmanny Court of Moscow late on Sunday remanded all four in custody until May 22. 

They face life imprisonment if convicted, with attempts being made by pro-Putin MPs to end a moratorium on the death penalty for terrorist offences. 

One of the suspects with a bloodied face after having his ear cut off on Saturday in a brutal interrogation

Putin made his first ‘public appearance’ from the terror attack when he lit a candle in a church outside Moscow


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