Sat. Oct 19th, 2024

ALARM bells are ringing in Europe over Britain’s ability to fight with its rapidly shrinking armed forces.

A top official warned “size matters” as the Army nosedived to a historic low of just 73,000 trained troops.

The British Army is shrinking, a top official has warned

EPAGerman troops carry out military exercises in their main battle Leopard tank[/caption]

GettyThe world faces a dangerous moment amid war in Ukraine (pictured) and the Middle East[/caption]

France has over 110,000 soldiers while Germany is growing its total armed forces to over 200,000 personnel.

An EU general told The Sun: “There is a concern about the British Army.

“You must have mass, you must have numbers.

“In Ukraine you can see, we must have mass to fight the Russian army.”

A second general, speaking on condition of anonymity, said “the British Army is still in decline”.

He added: “None of the recent announcements have moved the dial on that.”

PM Rishi Sunak pledged to increase defence spending to 2.5 per cent of GDP by 2030.

But he is standing by plans to shrink the Army to 73,000 – its smallest size for 300 years.

The Sun revealed the Army’s budget is being slashed despite the PM’s promise of a £75bn boost for defence.

The cuts worth hundreds of millions will fund new Tempest jets for the RAF and warships for the Royal Navy.

It means plans for new air defence missiles – like Israel’s Iron Dome – will be thrown on the back burner.

The MoD said the cuts were routine “budget flexing”.

But it follows a warning that America can’t plug gaps in Britain’s army if the flag goes up for an all-out war.

General Randy George, head of the US Army, said it would “be difficult for another army” – such as the US – to help.

He said: “What I would want out of the British army? You have to have magazine depth.

“Whatever formations you have, do you have all the ammunition you need to sustain yourself over a long fight?”

Crucially, he added: “If you are going to come to the fight make sure you have every capability on the battlefield because it will be difficult for another army to provide that.”

Major General James Martin, the head of the UK’s main war fighting division, warned his force was “less resilient” due to shortages.

Asked if the Army was big enough to field a war-fighting division – a measure of Britain’s might and a core commitment to Nato – Gen Martin said: “It depends what you mean by a war-fighting division.”

A division is 3,000 to 5,000 men and normally consists of three brigades.

But 3rd Division, which he commands, it has been slashed just one and a half brigades.

It remains Britain’s primary war fighting force designed to face a Russian equivalent.

But the International Institute for Strategic Studies think tank warned – before the war in Ukraine – that it was “highly likely that a Russian tank division would overmatch this much weaker British formation”.

Gen Martin insisted: “By Nato standards we can put a war fighting division in the field.”

But he admitted: “There are areas where it would be less resilient. That is why you have partners.”

National Service under Rishi Sunak

BY Kate Ferguson, Political Editor of the Sun on Sunday

THE TORIES will bring back ­compulsory National Service if they win the election, Prime ­Minister Rishi Sunak has said.

Every British 18-year-old man or woman will be expected to serve their country for a year under the ­proposed scheme.

Teens will be able to choose between two options — a full-time placement in the Armed Forces, or volunteering with charities or civic groups at weekends.

A Royal Commission will be set up to look at how to roll out the scheme.

The Sun on Sunday understands those who refuse to take part will not face criminal sanctions.

Mr Sunak said: “This is a great ­country but generations of young people have not had the opportunities or experience they deserve — and there are forces trying to divide our society in this uncertain world.

“I have a clear plan to address this and secure our future.

“I will bring in a new ­version of National Service to create a shared sense of ­purpose among our young people and a renewed sense of pride in our country.”

The PM announced the radical pledge after warning the world is more dangerous now than at any point since the Cold War.

Meanwhile, the Army is at its smallest size since the Napoleonic Wars 200 years ago.

A British soldier storms an enemy position during Nato military exercises in Poland

EPAUkrainian rescuers in Kharkiv, on the frontline[/caption]


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