Mon. Sep 30th, 2024

Ivy is a deceptively versatile hero in Deadlock, with a host of viable items and leveling options for her best build. While plenty of the game’s heroes come with a mixed set of strengths, it’s easy to write the gargoyle-turned-hero off as a strict support character. To properly play to her strengths, you’ll need to lean into both team play and DPS for a balanced build.

Similar to Kelvin’s best build in Deadlock, Ivy can work well as either a support or solo-run option. By focusing on just one aspect of her abilities, however, you’ll miss out on playing the hero to her fullest potential. Equipped to buff and heal both herself and her teammates, transport allies, and inflict status effects on top of damage, Ivy is an invaluable hero with layered build options.

The Best Abilties & Items To Build Ivy In Deadlock

Leveling For Each Game Phase

While Ivy may not be the toughest hero at face value, she has a lot of room to grow with her abilities in Deadlock. Some players may prefer to run the gargoyle-brought-to-life as a total tank. However, Ivy performs exceptionally well with a balanced focus on both damage output and support. We’ve broken down her best build in terms of recommended ability leveling and items to work with in each game phase.

is currently in beta playtesting, and some gameplay details are subject to change. As Valve rolls out new content and patches, we’ll provide any necessary updates here.

Best Ability Leveling For Ivy In Deadlock

Including Kudzu Bomb, Watcher’s Covenant, Stone Form, and Air Drop, Ivy has access to some of the most unique abilities currently available among Deadlock’s 21 characters, rivaling even Pocket’s versatile skills. You can level the hero’s abilities with the Ability Points (AP) that you accumulate, with upgrades at 1 AP, 2 AP, and 5 AP, respectively. Here’s a breakdown of effects and leveling bonuses:



Kudzu Bomb

Summon a patch of choking vines that damages and slows enemies in its radius.

1 AP: +1 Charge
2 AP: +2 second Duration
5 AP: +60 DPS

Watcher’s Covenant

Gain bonuses and automatically connect with a nearby ally to share them. Healing is replicated among all those connected. Connection requires line of sight. Press [Ability 2] to lock on to a target.

1 AP: +10% Fire Rate
2 AP: +2 meters/second Movement Bonus
5 AP: +1 Tether Count

Stone Form

Turn yourself into impervious stone and smash into the ground, stunning and damaging enemies nearby. Heals you for a percentage of your max health. You have some air control before falling.

1 AP: -19 second Cooldown
2 AP: +80 Damage, stuns for 0.5 seconds
5 AP: +20% Max Health Heal

Air Drop

Take flight with an ally or a bomb. Drop your ally or bomb to cause a large explosion that causes Movement Slow. Ivy and the ally gain a bullet shield when flying ends. While lifted, your ally gains Bullet Resist but cannot attack and deals -50% damage. Air Drop has faster cast time when targeting an ally.

1 AP: -20% Bullet Resist on enemies hit for a duration of 12 seconds
2 AP: +300 Bullet Shield, +5 meter Explode radius
5 AP: Applies Silence on enemies hit for +4.5 seconds

To start, you’ll want to grab Ivy’s Kudzu bomb ability in the early stages of Deadlock. From there, pick up Stone Form, Watcher’s Covenant, and then Air Drop. Kudzu Bomb will give you a reliable damaging option apart from using your crossbow, and the ability’s slowing effects can help with crowd control early on. Stone Form similarly damages and stuns your opponents, but this ability will also allow you to regain some of your lost health. Finally, both Watcher’s Covenant and Air Drop are lifesavers in supporting teammates and getting the upper hand in combat situations.

With each of Ivy’s abilities unlocked, you’ll want to funnel the AP you’ve earned into Stone Form’s upgrades first to secure the added boosts to its damage output and Max Health Heal. Watcher’s Covenant should be your next step, with its first two upgrades improving Fire Rate and Movement Speed, respectively. Go for Air Drop in full afterward to reap the rewards of the bonuses you’ve unlocked, then finish leveling Watcher’s Covenant and Kudzu Bomb.

You can work on the final upgrade for Watcher’s Covenant and the Kudzu Bomb line according to your personal preferences, as this build will mainly prioritize Stone Form and Air Drop. Both have their uses, but Kudzu Bomb can be especially helpful with its Duration and DPS upgrades.

Best Itemization For Ivy In Deadlock

Given that Ivy is skillfully equipped to support her teammates or take down enemies solo, there are various items that work well with the hero throughout each game phase in Deadlock. You’ll have some wiggle room for situational and Flex Items, too. With a primary focus on DPS and team play, here’s what you’ll want to pick up to complement Ivy’s build:



Early Game (Lane)

Basic Magazine
Active Reload
Extra Health
Monster Rounds
Close Quarters
Sprint Boots
Ammo Scavenger

Mid Game

Intensifying Magazine
Bullet Lifesteal
Enduring Speed
Quicksilver Reload
Decay (situational)
Bullet Armor (situational)
Spirit Armor (situational)

Late Game

Heroic Aura
Titanic Magazine
Slowing Bullets
Crippling Headshot
Lucky Shot
Improved Bullet Armor (situational)
Improved Spirit Armor (situational)

Especially in Deadlock’s early game, Ivy’s lacking Weapon Damage can be improved with Basic Magazine, Close Quarters, and Monster Rounds. Active Reload and Ammo Scavenger also work well here for an extra boost and lower Reload Time. Extra Health and Sprint Boots can help with retaining bulk as you work on leveling Stone Form, plus you’ll get a decent Sprint increase.

Moving into the mid-game, your best options will reflect the best items for Warden. Intensifying Magazine and Quicksilver Reload will further improve your Fire Rate and Weapon Damage, with Enduring Speed and Bullet Lifesteal improving Ivy’s sustain. You’ll have several situational options here as well, including Decay, Bullet Armor, and Spirit Armor. Each has its uses when faced with various opposing team compositions, so it’s a good idea to keep these items on hand.

Heroic Aura is an excellent item option during both the mid and late game. Depending on your chosen items and progress, you can feasibly work it into your build in either stage.

In the later stages of Deadlock, Ivy can work exceptionally well with Heroic Aura. On top of improvements to Bullet Lifesteal, Bonus Health, and Movement Speed, this active item also boosts your Fire Rate, which pairs nicely with Slowing Bullets and Titanic Magazine for additional damage and slowing effects. Lucky Shot and Crippling Headshot can help with even more Weapon Damage and ammo here as well. Finally, Curse can wall Ivy against Silencing or Disarming attempts, with Improved Bullet Armor and Improved Spirit Armor acting as situational fail-safes.

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