Brandon Sanderson’s plan for Mistborn era 3 is exciting and could indicate the possibility of it topping the original trilogy. Out of the seven current Mistborn books, the original three are still commonly considered the best, along with being the author’s most widely read work. That’s not to put down the Wax & Wayne series, which did a fantastic job at developing the world of Scadrial after a massive time jump, but Sanderson found lightning in a bottle with the first three novels.
While Brandon Sanderson has released numerous books set in his Cosmere fantasy universe in recent years, there has only been one Mistborn book released in the 2020s. A follow-up trilogy has been slated for a long time, and the author’s annual State of Sanderson blog post offered some perspective on when readers could expect them. Sanderson also mentioned his plan to write all three volumes before publishing them; that way, he could make sure they had a “tight continuity” between them, much like he did with Mistborn Era 1.
Upcoming Mistborn Books
Release Date
Full Series #
Mistborn: Ghostbloods 1
December 2028
Mistborn: Ghostbloods 2
December 2029
Mistborn: Ghostbloods 3
December 2030
Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn Era 3 Plan Seeks To Restore Era 1’s “Tight Continuity”
Three Straight Years Of Mistborn Will Be Exciting For Cosmere Fans
Planning ahead is generally a good idea when it comes to writing a massive fantasy series, and Sanderson is highly regarded for his ability to plot complex narratives in advance. However, the risk with that is that stories develop authentically throughout the process, and a capable writer will integrate those fresh ideas. This can be a blessing or a curse, as it means that the previous foreshadowing and setup lose their value after the plan changes. The original Mistborn trilogy blends together seamlessly, and it’s because Sanderson was able to write all three volumes before any were released.
Tighter continuity, short waits between books, and more connections to Mistborn era 1 seem like a recipe for astounding success.
The continuity between the Wax & Wayne books wasn’t poor, but they didn’t feel as compact and cohesive as the original trilogy. Not to mention, having all three books released sequentially over three years will be exciting, as the previous series took over a decade. Tighter continuity, short waits between books, and more connections to Mistborn era 1 seem like a recipe for astounding success.
The Author’s Era 3 Approach Could Help Ghostbloods Surpass Mistborn’s Original Trilogy
Mistborn: Ghostbloods Can Have Some Of The Best Plot Twists Yet
The original Mistborn trilogy is the gold standard Sanderson will be trying to top with the Ghostbloods, and a huge aspect of what made it so great is how tangible the character arcs feel between volumes. It’s as if they could be read as one long book, and it wouldn’t feel like there were any breaks or tonal shifts in between. Ghostbloods will need compelling protagonists to match up with the iconic figures from era 1, and cohesion between books is a perfect way to develop meaningful, memorable arcs that rival any in the Cosmere.
Every Planned Brandon Sanderson Book Adaptation Explained
The king of multiverses may have just had one film option fall apart, but Sanderson has several more irons in the fire ready to become hit new shows.
It’s also important to mention how much Brandon Sanderson has grown as a writer over the past two decades. He’ll be able to integrate twenty years of growth and brainstorming into these texts while delivering on all the promises that three coherent novels have to offer. Planning all three books at a time will allow for fulfilling plot twists and clever foreshadowing on the level of Vin’s earring in Mistborn era 1, as an example.
The Mistborn series, created by Brandon Sanderson, is a high-fantasy saga set in the world of Scadrial, where magic is powered by metals through a system called Allomancy. The series focuses on political intrigue, heists, and the battle between good and evil. The first trilogy, Mistborn: The Final Empire, follows the struggle to overthrow a tyrannical ruler, the Lord Ruler. Later books in the series, including Era 2, take place hundreds of years after the events of the original trilogy, expanding the story into new settings with new characters, all while maintaining connections to the original storyline.
Mistborn: The Final Empire (2006)
Mistborn: The Well of Ascension (2007)
Mistborn: The Hero of Ages (2008)
Mistborn: The Alloy of Law (2011)
Mistborn: Shadows of Self (2015)
Mistborn: The Bands of Mourning (2016)
Mistborn: The Lost Metal (2022)
Created by
Brandon Sanderson
, Kelsier
, Sazed
, Marsh
, Elend Venture
, Waxillium “Wax” Ladrian
, Wayne
, Steris Harms
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