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I recently spoke with Michael Gervais about his book The First Rule of Mastery: Stop Worrying What Other People Think of You. Gervais founded Finding Mastery, a consulting firm that offers mindset training to individuals and teams to help unlock higher performance. As Gervais and I discussed, it’s easy for individuals to wrap their identity in how well they’re performing externally (whatever their arena)—which can create a self-esteem crisis when performance drops off. In The First Rule of Mastery, Gervais shares tips for disentangling your sense of self-worth from your outward performance and dropping the worry about what others think of you.
How to gain perspective.
According to Gervais, it’s critical to gain perspective on your life and your outward performance. When your identity is wrapped up in individual outcomes, your happiness will hinge on whether you succeed or fail at various inflection points throughout your day or week. For example, a football player dropping a pass may hear “boos” from the crowd, which causes his self-worth to plummet. To disentangle your identity from whether you’re “winning or losing” in the moment, Gervais recommends talking with mentors, coaches, other leaders, or teammates; ask for their perspective on your particular situation and your life as a whole. Gervais also stresses the importance of daily mindful meditation and/or journaling so you can clarify your thinking and determine what next steps to take.
Identify your purpose.
What is your personal “why”—the thing you’re striving for that’s bigger than you? Gervais believes everyone should have a “why.” This is something you can’t do in one day, or even a year; this question gets at your life’s purpose. To examine your purpose, ask: Why am I here? What is my calling today, and years from now? How can I look at what I do from the vantage point of my highest potential? Identifying your purpose allows you to invest in yourself and your goals for the long term, which will relieve pressure you feel when focusing on immediate results. Keeping the long view in mind will lessen your anxiety. For example: while a football player’s immediate goal may be to catch the winning pass for the game, his larger purpose may be to teach mindfulness to younger players so they can achieve steadiness in high-stakes situations, both on the field and off.
How to keep anxiety at bay.
In The First Rule of Mastery, Gervais shares that when you deeply care about something, you’re likely to overthink or worry about an intended outcome. Yet caring deeply and preparing can veer into anxiety, which is unproductive. To keep anxiety at bay, Gervais recommends intently focusing on the specific task at hand, not allowing other thoughts to drift. Breath training and mindful meditation can help you avoid an anxiety spiral and bring you back to the present moment, Gervais writes. Gervais also recommends doing a “brain dump” and moving all of your worries onto paper; know that you can solve your problems tomorrow.
Identify the stories you’re listening to.
As Gervais shares, humans understand the world through stories. We can, Gervais writes, get better at recognizing the stories that constrict us. For example, you may believe someone has a negative view of you—yet is that true? Or is it just a story you made up without all the facts?
As Gervais writes, stories can be both productive and unproductive; they can help us flourish, but they can also hold us back. Gervais says it’s especially important to detach from the stories we believe others have cast on us; at the end of the day, those stories (real or imagined) don’t matter. You might want to journal about the stories you tell yourself—look for the trends or where there might be a disconnect when you don’t have the facts. For example: a lacrosse player could tell herself the story that “I’m not going to start because I missed a goal in front of the coach.” Yet is this true? Will one missed goal cause her to be benched? Often, we’re imagining worst-case scenarios and simply making assumptions.
Whose opinion matters?
Who gets to weigh in on your life? Does that person (or persons) add value?
Gervais writes that we must filter through the noise of other people’s opinions and decide: whose opinions matter? When you identify whose insight you value, you can filter through the noise of outside feedback—whether it’s been offered, or whether you only imagine it. Gervais advises readers to picture a small circular table. Who are the six people who would sit around that table with you? These are the people who have the expertise and experience to help you. As Gervais writes, this group should be small, made up of only those who genuinely care about you. If you pay attention to this group, you can block out the noise offered by those who don’t count in your book.
To maintain a grounded sense of self-worth untethered to outward performance indicators, identify whose opinions matter and whose don’t. Tell yourself stories that serve you, and practice mindful activities—like journaling and meditation—that keep you centered. Detach from the ups and downs of the outside world and plug in to yourself to reach more of your potential.
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