Winter brings the calmness of snow flurries and cozy days by the fire … oh, who are we kidding? Winter shenanigans, excitement, and chaos are what our students are all about! Calm the excitement with belly laughs from some of our favorite winter jokes for kids.
1. What did one snowman say to the other snowman?
We Are Teachers
“Can you smell carrot?”
2. What kind of ball doesn’t bounce?
We Are Teachers
A snowball.
3. What do snowmen eat for lunch?
We Are Teachers
4. What often falls at the North Pole but never gets hurt?
We Are Teachers
5. What does a gingerbread man put on his bed?
We Are Teachers
A cookie sheet!
6. Why did the girl keep her trumpet out in the snow?
We Are Teachers
She liked playing cool jazz.
7. What sort of cakes do snowmen like?
We Are Teachers
Any cake with lots of icing.
8. What do you get if you cross a snowman and a shark?
We Are Teachers
9. What is a mountain’s favorite type of candy?
We Are Teachers
10. What do you call a snowman that tells tall tales?
We Are Teachers
A snow-fake!
11. Where do snowmen love to dance?
We Are Teachers
At a snow ball.
12. What’s a snowman’s favorite drink?
We Are Teachers
Iced tea.
13. How do you know when it’s too cold for a picnic?
We Are Teachers
When you chip your tooth on the soup!
14. What do you call a snowman on Rollerblades?
We Are Teachers
A snowmobile.
15. Where do snowmen put their money?
We Are Teachers
16. What do snowmen wear on their heads?
We Are Teachers
Ice caps.
17. How do you build a snow fort?
We Are Teachers
You igloo it together.
18. How did the snow globe feel after listening to a scary story?
We Are Teachers
A bit shaken up!
19. How does a snowman get to work?
We Are Teachers
By icicle.
20. What two letters of the alphabet do snowmen prefer?
We Are Teachers
21. What do you call a penguin with no eye?
We Are Teachers
A pengun.
22. What kind of fish do penguins catch at night?
We Are Teachers
23. When is a polar bear not a polar bear?
We Are Teachers
When it’s in a grizzly mood.
24. What do you call a snowman in the summer?
We Are Teachers
A puddle.
25. What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
We Are Teachers
Frosted Flakes.
26. What do you call a snowman temper tantrum?
We Are Teachers
A meltdown.
27. What food do you get when you cross a snowman with a wolf?
We Are Teachers
A brrrr-grrr.
28. What’s white and goes up?
We Are Teachers
A confused snowflake.
29. Why did Frosty go to the middle of the big lake?
We Are Teachers
Because snow man’s an island.
30. How do you know that a snowman was in your home?
We Are Teachers
You find a carrot in a puddle next to the fireplace.
31. What do you call a penguin in the Sahara Desert?
We Are Teachers
32. What did the police officer say when he saw the snowman stealing?
We Are Teachers
33. What is a snowman’s favorite snack?
We Are Teachers
Ice Krispy Treats.
34. How do snowmen pay their bills?
We Are Teachers
With cold hard cash.
35. What do you have in December that you don’t have in any other month?
We Are Teachers
The letter D.
36. What does Frosty the Snowman like to put on his icebergers?
We Are Teachers
Chilly sauce.
37. What video game do they play in igloos?
We Are Teachers
Snow Fortnite.
38. Why did the boy only wear one snow boot?
We Are Teachers
There was only a 50 percent chance of snow.
39. Who were Frosty’s parents?
We Are Teachers
Mom and Pop Sicle.
40. What do you call a snowman with a six-pack?
We Are Teachers
An abdominal snowman.
41. What’s the best part of school during the winter?
We Are Teachers
Snow and tell.
42. What did the icy road say to the truck?
We Are Teachers
Want to go for a spin?
43. Where do snowmen get the weather report?
We Are Teachers
The Winternet.
44. What do you call a snowman’s dog?
We Are Teachers
A slush puppy.
45. What is a snowman’s favorite game?
We Are Teachers
Ice Spy.
46. Why was the snowman rummaging through the bag of carrots?
We Are Teachers
He was picking his nose.
47. What do you call a snowman that plays piano?
We Are Teachers
Meltin’ John.
48. What do snowmen do when the weather’s too hot for scarves and hats?
We Are Teachers
They change into puddles.
49. What do you call a snowman without a carrot?
We Are Teachers
Nobody nose.
50. What’s a snowman’s favorite meat?
We Are Teachers
Cold cuts.
51. What are caribou calves given to wear?
We Are Teachers
52. Is it quicker to be hot or cold?
We Are Teachers
Hot is quicker because you can catch cold.
53. What sits on the bottom of the cold Arctic Ocean and shakes?
We Are Teachers
A nervous wreck.
54. If your reindeer lost his tail, where would you go to buy him a new one?
We Are Teachers
A re-tail store.
55. Where do seals go to see movies?
We Are Teachers
The dive-in.
56. What did Jack Frost say to Frosty the Snowman?
We Are Teachers
“Have an ice day!”
57. What kind of math do snowy owls like?
We Are Teachers
58. What did the big furry hat say to the warm woolly scarf?
We Are Teachers
“You hang around while I go on a-head.”
59. What is red, white, and blue over winter break?
We Are Teachers
A sad candy cane.
60. What happens when you’re alone in the water and get too cold?
We Are Teachers
You’re totally ice-olated.
61. What do you call a ghost in the winter?
We Are Teachers
62. What kind of androids do you find in the Arctic?
We Are Teachers
63. What do snowmen do on Christmas?
We Are Teachers
Play with snow angels.
64. How would you scare a snowman?
We Are Teachers
Show him a hair dryer.
65. Why do mummies like holiday gifts?
We Are Teachers
Because of all the wrappings.
66. How do you keep from getting cold feet?
We Are Teachers
Don’t go around brrfooted!
67. What happened when an icicle landed on the snowman’s head?
We Are Teachers
It knocked him out cold.
68. Why are bad school grades like a shipwreck in the Arctic Ocean?
We Are Teachers
They’re both below C level!
69. What do you call 10 Arctic hares hopping backward through the snow together?
We Are Teachers
A receding hare line.
70. How does a penguin build a house?
We Are Teachers
Igloos it together.
71. What do snowmen call their offspring?
We Are Teachers
72. Today isn’t the day to be making jokes about the weather.
We Are Teachers
It’s snow joke.
73. What did the snowman order at Wendy’s?
We Are Teachers
A Frosty.
74. What did the tree say after a long winter?
“What a re-leaf!”
75. Who is Frosty’s favorite aunt?
We Are Teachers
Aunt Arctica!
76. Why did the snowman call his friend an iceberg?
Because they were a cool bunch!
77. What do you call an old snowman?
78. What did the snowflake say to the fallen leaf?
You’re so last season!
79. What do snowmen like to do on the weekend?
Chill out.
80. Why don’t you ever see a penguin in the U.K.?
Because they’re afraid of Wales!
81. How do you know if there’s a snowman in your bed?
You wake up wet!
82. Why did the snowman call his dog Frost?
Because Frost bites!
83. What is a snowman’s favorite dessert?
Ice cream.
84. Why did the snowman bring a broom to the party?
He wanted to sweep a girl off her feet!
85. Why did the snowman break up with his girlfriend?
He thought she was too cold!
86. How do snowmen read their texts?
With an icy stare.
87. What bites but doesn’t have teeth?
88. What do you call a slow skier?
A slope-poke.
89. What do snowmen win at the Olympics?
Cold medals.
90. What does Frosty’s mom put on her face at night?
Cold cream.
91. What do you sing at a snowman’s birthday party?
“Freeze a Jolly Good Fellow!”
92. How do polar bears make their beds?
With sheets of ice and blankets of snow.
93. What do you call it when a snowman ignores you?
The cold shoulder.
94. Which side of a polar bear has the most fur?
The outside.
95. Why did the husband pour warm water on his computer?
He had asked his wife what to do if Windows froze.
96. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a baker?
Frosty the Dough-man.
97. What do snowmen get at a Mexican restaurant?
98. Why did the bear keep getting fired?
He always disappeared in the winter.
99. How do snowmen greet each other?
Ice to meet you.
100. What did one snowflake say to the other?
“You’re one of a kind!”
Want even more jokes for your students? We’ve got them on many topics, including math jokes, history jokes, science jokes, grammar jokes, and music jokes.
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