Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

IF you think you have perfect 20/20 vision try and spot the sneaky racoon hiding in this image before he steals all of the lovely ladies fruit and veg.

This viral brainteaser has left people scratching their heads trying to spot the perfectly camouflaged creature and stop him getting his cheeky paws on the food.

JagranJoshBelieve it or not but there is a cheeky racoon in this picture, can you find it?[/caption]

If you can see the clever guy in a super quick time then you have the watchful eyes of a hawk.

The mind-boggling artwork shows a busy food market full of happy shoppers, cuddly cats, birds and bushes but shockingly there’s also one hidden racoon.

A person with great vision should be able to quickly track down the black and white mammal and catch it before it’s too late and he’s feasted on all the scrumptious food.

But for a brainteaser that seems so easy the excellent hiding skills of the racoon has left many baffled and calling the puzzle impossible.

The racoon cheekily blends in within the picture as there is so much to look at and so many distractions for him to make his way towards the luxurious grub.

If you can solve this challenging optical illusion, you could be a top wildlife expert with your clever problem-solving brain.

The family friendly art features three children and four adults as they all seem to be enjoying the market sellers stall.

Two children are happily tucking into a banana and an apple as a mother and daughter in pretty matching dresses discuss what to pop into their bag and take home to dad.

The rosy shopkeeper who sells everything from perfect carrots and juicy peppers to giant aubergines and refreshing watermelons can be seen scanning through a bunch of apples.

But little does she know a pesky visitor has also come to appreciate her lovely food and grab a bite for himself.

In the initial glance at the photo there is no chance a racoon is creeping around without it being glaringly obvious but the deeper you search the quicker he appears.

The tiny racoon is hidden in the photo but with so much else going on you’re bound to run out of time as the flamboyant birds will distract you and make you very slow.

Multiple different animals and colours put you off as you waste your time staring at the cat wondering if that counts as the furry animal or looking through the bushes instead of searching the other areas in the image that a racoon might hide.

This makes it so hard to find him in a quick time as you need to search through everything super-fast.

Studies have shown, people who regularly challenge themselves with optical illusions and puzzles see big improvements in their problem-solving skills, concentration and attention.

Psychologists at The University of Glasgow found that staring at an optical illusion can improve eye sight by allowing you to see small print.

And according to ZenBuisness: “These visual puzzles can give you a good mental workout that can, in turn, help you think more efficiently and solve problems more easily.”

The testing brainteaser looks like a painting made by a great children’s book illustrator but actually it’s from serial illusion maker Jagran Josh, who loves testing its fans detective skills.

The photo left many eager to find the racoon but several struggled due to shear number of distractions and cleverly placed culprit.

In this particular piece, people with a high visual IQ should be able to spot it within seconds and leave themselves enough time to enjoy the rest of the image.

If you still can’t find the cheeky racoon here’s a big clue.

It’s the banana’s he’s really looking to get his paws on so if you find them you’re sure to spot the racoon too.

Still struggling? Scroll down to see the solution below.

If you enjoyed this challenge, why not try another?

Try to find the cheeky mouse creeping behind the mushrooms in this picture but be warned it is one of our hardest brainteasers yet.

Or if you’re feeling festive and fancy a Christmas cracker of a brainteaser try and spot all the words cleverly hidden in this market scene.

JagranJoshThere’s the racoon and he’s been found just in time to save the food[/caption]

DudolfThis is one of our hardest ones as there surely isn’t a mouse in here right?[/caption]

PreplyFeeling festive? Try and spot the words within this lovely picture[/caption]

DudolfIf you spotted him you must have perfect 20/20 vision[/caption]

PreplyTricky one this as you can get distracted by the lovely cathedral and pretty snowflakes but how did you do?[/caption]


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