Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Donald Trump showed up at his New York fraud trial and immediately went on a rant that showed his inability to hold himself together for even a few minutes.

By laying the transcript out, it is easy to spot how unhinged Trump has become:

We appreciate your being here. This is a witch hunt the likes of which probably nobody has ever seen. We have put on a case that is absolutely 100% where there is not a judge in the country that would not give us a total victory or a judge in the country that would have taken this case, because it is a witch hunt, and corrupt trial. We won this case at the appellant division, and most of it, and we have covered 90% of the case. We won this case at the appellant division, and this judge refuses to acknowledge the appellant division. He said specifically that “We are going forward.” Because there is something wrong here. And we won this case, and remember this, and put it in your heads, this case was won at the appellant division, and the judge refuses to do what the appellant division demands that he do.

Nobody has seen anything like this. When you win at the appellant division, it is the higher court, and the judge has to be bound by what they say, and we won’t at that division and part of that was Ivanka not having to put herself going through this and they overruled that, and part of that, 90% of that because of the statute of limitations, 90% of the case disappears, so remember this, we won the case at the appellant division at the higher court, and this judge refuses to acknowledge that victory or demand, and this is serious. So we are going in, and we have an expert witness, and one of F the greater experts in the country, and I hope that you can listen to him, but it is going to be another day.

So, if you will look at the case, we did nothing wrong, and there were no victims and the bank loves us, and the bank testified. They love us. We did absolutely nothing wrong. We never defaulted or a default letter sent to us, and the bank said that we were the perfect customer, and the bank did not know why they were here, yet people are murdered all over the streets, and yet, the attorney general is being praised and a lunatic sitting here, because she knows that no matter the evidence, the judge is going to rule in her favor, because he ruled against me before the case even started. The case had not started, and he ruled against me. Another thing, he ruled Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, because it was good in her case, and in a matter of $18 million when, in fact, it is worth 50 to 100 times that amount. Nobody has seen anything like it. But just remember what I said D at the beginning, we won at the appellant division, and this judge refuses to honor that victory or that decision or that demand.


Trump throws a fit outside the courtroom about the valuation of Mar-a-Lago, “Another thing, he ruled mar-a-lago in Palm Beach, Florida, because it was good in her case, and in a matter of $18 million when in fact it is worth 50 to 100 times that amount.”

— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) December 7, 2023

Trump Is Living In A Fantasy World

Like all criminals, Trump thinks that the system is out to get him, and he has woven an elaborate conspiracy in his mind to justify his actions.

We could spend thousands of words debunking Trump’s false claims above, but it is more important to look at the state of the person whom the Republicans are likely to put forward as the best person to lead the United States of America.

Donald Trump is not mentally fit to be president.

The former president is living in a fantasy world. Trump didn’t win at the appellate level. All Trump got was a delay of the cancelation of his business certifications.

The former president does not appear to be reality-based and is not exhibiting the mental state or behavior of a person who is fit to lead the nation.

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Jason is the managing editor. He is also a White House Press Pool and a Congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. His graduate work focused on public policy, with a specialization in social reform movements.

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The post Trump Can’t Hold It Together As He Falls Apart Outside Fraud Trial Courtroom appeared first on WorldNewsEra.


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