Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

A WOMAN who thought she had adopted an adorable puppy after it was dropped by a bird was shocked when it grew into a very different beast.

A hungry eagle had been flying over the woman’s house clutching the terrified pup in its talons when it decided this prey would be more effort than it was worth.

Refer to CaptionA woman adopted a puppy after she found it in her garden[/caption]

But the puppy soon started to look more like a fox than a dog

It dumped the shocked creature in the women’s garden before continuing its hunt for food.

Upon discovering the animal in Bright, Australia, the woman couldn’t bare to give him up and decided to keep him as a pet.

But, she soon sensed something was amiss as the creature – named Wandi – began to look more fox-like.

After frantically searching for answers on google to no avail Wandi was taken to the nearby Alpine Animal Hospital

However, the staff here were also stumped and sent off a DNA sample to try and solve the mystery.

While awaiting the results Wandi was sent off to the Australian Dingo Foundation’s sanctuary as his owner feared he may actually be a dangerous species of animal.

When the results came back several weeks later, it was revealed that Wandi was a 100% pure Victoria Highlands dingo.

The sanctuary has since announced that Wandi would be joining their breeding program to help increase their captive dingo population’s diversity.

The foundation thinks the creature was snatched from his home by the eagle who then deposited him in the woman’s yard.

It said: “We believe Wandi was stolen by an eagle and dropped as he had sustained wounds on his back, and his nails were worn down suggesting he had travelled far on foot before being found.”

When he was first discovered, a number of internet sleuths incorrectly identified Wandi as a fox.

One person had remarked: “I reckon it’s a fox and you’ve got a little problem.”

Dingoes are Australia’s only native wild dog. They are protected in national parks but are considered pests in parts of Queensland.

In rare cases, dingoes can attack people and cause injury.

When dingoes do strike humans, young children tend to be the most at risk.

The creatures are much more of a threat to livestock such as sheep and young cattle.

This is not the only time a pet owner was shocked when their pet wasn’t what they thought it was.

In September we told of a woman who took in a stray kitten was left stunned when it grew into a terrifying creature.

The adorable black kitten named Luna was taken into a loving home where she was fed and quickly grew into something much larger.

Dingo Discovery SanctuaryThe puppy was actually a pure Victoria Highlands dingo[/caption]

Facebook/Wandi DingoA rescue foundation believe the dingo – named Wandi – was dropped in the woman’s garden by an eagle[/caption]

Facebook/Wandi DingoDingoes rarely attack humans[/caption]


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