On a recent edition of his “Everybody’s Got a Pod” podcast, Ted DiBiase Sr. shared his views on late WWE Hall of Famer The Ultimate Warrior, why he was wasn’t fond of him, and more.
You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:
On whether he has any good memories of The Ultimate Warrior: “I’ve said that I had no use for the guy because he didn’t respect the business. He — it was kind of like, I had all the respect. I mean, to have a body like that takes a lot of discipline. What you eat, how you train, and how dedicated you are to it. So I respected that about him. But what angered me was that he came into a business that has been a part of my life for my entire life, and he disrespected the business. He didn’t — it was kind of like wrestling was a means to an end for him. I don’t ever remember a time, I don’t ever remember saying anything about liking him. I did not like him. And that’s I mean…. did I know him personally enough? No, I don’t think anybody got to know him personally enough because I don’t think he tried to get to know anybody personally enough. You know, it was kind of like — I’m telling you, it was a means to an end. And the only thing he had to do with where I was concerned, is if he’s in the ring with me and I’m the heel, you’re going to do what I tell you. Like so many others, I put him over. It was my job, you know. And in that respect, we didn’t have a problem because if he’d had done anything out there, you know what I’m saying? If he just took it on himself, he said, ‘No, we’re going to do it this way,’ I would have said, ‘Like hell we are.’”
On what upset him with Warrior: “You know what the piss me off part was? Just kind of [the] arrogance. Or like [the] ‘I don’t give a s**t’ attitude about. I respected the fact that here’s this guy, oh my gosh, what a body. And I understand how disciplined he had to be to look that good. But that, apparently he thought, was all he needed because when he got in that ring. If there wasn’t somebody like me on the other side of that ring who could lead him by the nose, he was helpless. Tell me Marcus, what did you see the Ultimate Warrior do in every single match you ever had? [his signature moves] That’s it. That was his rap. And that’s what he could do. And I don’t blame any fans for being a fan of the guy because you’re a fan of the character. And he’s just a wild character, this great big, bigger-than-life guy/ And in his promos, you know, he was funny to me. It’s like he talked for three minutes, and I’d scratch my head and go, ‘What did he say?’”
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