Mon. Jan 13th, 2025

By Sam Robinson, Contributor (@altaine)

Ring of Honor on HonorClub (Episode 45)
Taped December 23, 2023 in San Antonio, Texas at Frost Bank Center
Streamed January 4, 2024 on HonorClub

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were on commentary, and Bobby Cruise was the ring announcer…

*Unless otherwise noted, all matches started and ended with the Code of Honor handshake.

We started with a backstage promo, after World’s End from Eddie Kingston. He was reminiscing on his win, and how special it was for him. He said if you would have told him about this before the pandemic, he would have called you a liar.

We got the opening montage video, and the masked men were gone, replaced with The Kingdom holding their tag titles.

Ian Riccaboni ran through some of the matches for tonight including a women’s tag match.

1. Griff Garrison (w/Cole Karter) vs. Serpentico (w/Angelico). Garrison got taken down early with a flying head-scissors and a dropkick that sent Garrison outside the ring. Serpentico thought about a dive, but Karter was on the rope on the other side. Angelico took out Karter, but Garrison took the advantage and clubbed Serpentico with forearms. Garrison threw Serpentico outside and slammed his head on the apron. Back in the ring, Garrison walked right into an inside cradle that got Serpentico a two count.

Garrison came right back with a lariat that turned Serpentico inside out. Garrison hit a back suplex and taunted the crowd. Garrison hit another back suplex and taunted again. Garrison went for a third but Serpentico flipped out, but Garrison grabbed him again and hit a front slam. Garrison tried a torture rack but Serpentico rolled out and hit a couple of kicks and a flatliner for a two count. Serpentico hit a vertical suplex and went to the top rope. Karter and Angelico both got on the apron and argued with the ref. Serpentico came off safely into the ring but walked right into a forearm. Garrison hit his torture rack bomb for the three count.

Griff Garrison defeated Serpentico by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: A nice win for Garrison that made him look strong and dominant in his new heel role, something he needed. SAP being able to ride that line of heel/face, makes them valuable role players which I think is a good thing.

We got a video package about All In.

2. Lance Archer vs. JP Harlow.

No entrance for Harlow. Harlow slapped Archer because he wouldn’t do the code of honor. Archer slapped his hand and chokeslammed Harlow. A couple of running shoulder blocks in the corner from Archer left Harlow on his butt. Archer suplexed Harlow across the ring. Archer missed a shoulder block in the corner and then ate a back elbow. Harlow hit an enzuigiri and went to the top. Archer kneed Harlow in the face and sent him to the floor. Archer put Harlow back on the top and hit Blackout for the pinfall.

Lance Archer defeated JP Harlow by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Another Archer squash. There should only be one or two more of those until he’s fed to someone “meaningful”.

We got a rundown of more matches and then we got a recap of the battle royale that happened at World’s End and Dalton Castle’s elimination.

3. Peter Avalon vs. Dalton Castle. Castle was disheveled again, eating a sandwich during his entrance. Castle tried to pass Avalon some sandwich during the code of honor. Castle was being slow and sloppy during the lockup and got mad when Avalon got in the ropes for a break. Avalon pushed Castle down, and Castle fired up, but ran right into the corner and got pushed off the ropes to the outside. Avalon threw Castle into the ring post while Castle held his knee. Back in the ring, Avalon hit a back elbow for a two count. Avalon locked in a chinlock but Castle stood up and pushed Avalon back into the corner to break it.

Avalon hit a superkick and a DVD for a two count. Avalon went to the top rope, but took a bunch of time and Castle rolled out of the ring. Avalon threw some sandwich pieces at him as he went to retrieve him. Avalon went to the top again, but Castle rolled out of the ring again. Avalon went to retrieve him and slammed his head on the apron. Back in the ring, Avalon walked right into a series of exploder suplexes. Castle tried for Bangarang, but fell back into his sadness and Avalon rolled through. Avalon hit a jawbreaker and meteora knees to the back and got a two count. Castle hit a back elbow and hit a Bangarang and got the pinfall while looking through the floor camera.

Dalton Castle defeated Peter Avalon by pinfall.

After the match, Castle stared past the camera and told Johnny TV that he was coming for him…

Robinson’s Ruminations: Someone in the back is getting a kick out of sad Dalton Castle, but it sure isn’t me. And I certainly didn’t need the sandwich eating close up during his entrance.

Backstage, Lexi asked Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky about his recent win streak. Sky said that he’s just going to be in the background for this run. Page said that he kept putting more pieces in place and now that Sky’s back, he’s more ready than ever. Page said that if Sky keeps his promise, that this will be their year…

Robinson’s Ruminations: I smell a Sky heel turn, but it seems a good way down the line.

4. Queen Aminata vs. Maya World. No televised entrance for World. The women worked some arm holds until Aminata grabbed a headlock and got a takeover. World pulled out and hit a sling blade and a corner clothesline for a two count. World went up top and botched a split legged moonsault that Aminata was supposed to get the knees up for, but it was just a mess. Aminata hit a knee to the back and got a two count. Aminata hit a german suplex, a hip attack in the corner and a face wash kick and all that only got her a two count. World hit a quick trap pin but only got a two count. The women traded forearms in the middle of the ring until World hit a running back elbow. World went for another but Aminata hit a flatliner into a Koji clutch the announcers called the “Juicy Clutch” for the submission.

Queen Aminata defeated Maya World by submission.

Robinson’s Ruminations: A showcase for Athena’s trainees. World still needs some work on her timing, but Aminata feels like a full fledged character and worker. I’m ready to see more of Aminata.

We got a video package about Revolution and Sting’s retirement.

5. “The Infantry” Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo vs. “The Boys” Brandon Tate and Brent Tate vs. Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty. Brent hit a few quick arm drags on Moriarty and The Boys hit their dropdown dropkick combo. Brandon ate some kicks from Moriarty and then tagged in Dean. Dan came in and put Brandon down with some jabs. Bravo came in a with a running boot in the corner and a suplex for a two count. Infantry hit a double suplex but Dean got tripped by Taylor, pulled outside and put down with a right hand. Bravo came for the save and ate a huge headbutt. Taylor went in the ring and ate some double team offense from The Boys. Infantry hit a double superkick on him and sent him to the floor. Infantry hit a TKO German suplex combo and got a two count on a Boy. Infantry hit Boot Camp but Taylor got the blind tag and broke up the pinfall with a running splash. Moriarty hit a dive to the outside on everyone else and Taylor hit the Marcus Garvey Driver for the pinfall on a Boy.

Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty won a three way tag match by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: A TV match that got a bunch of guys on the screen and didn’t sacrifice The Infantry for a loss. The Boys can always take losses, and come right back with all their energy.

Backstage Lexi asked Griff Garrison about his win, but Karter jumped in and said they dedicated the win to Maria at home with “her kids”. Before Garrison could speak, SAP came in and chop blocked both Garrison and Karter and left them holding their knees.

7. Red Velvet vs. Alex Gracia. Velvet hit a few lock over takedowns but Gracia grabbed a kick and turned it into an ankle lock. Velvet rolled through but missed a knee and got rolled up for a two count. Gracia hit a springboard crossbody for a two count. Gracia hit a cradle pin for a two count. Velvet ducked some punches but ate one to the gut. Velvet worked over Gracia in the corner with punches. Velvet got a drop toehold to set up her big knees to the back. Velvet missed a kick and got kicked in the head for a two count. Gracia missed a kick and Velvet hit a spinning kick for the pinfall.

Red Velvet defeated Alex Gracia by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Quick little TV match, that was all action and moved fast, which isn’t a bad thing at all.

The announcer ran down the rest of the matches for the night.

8. Leyla Hirsch and Rachel Ellering vs. Mercedes Martinez and Diamante. Ellering hit a quick crucifix roll up on Diamante for a one count. Hirsch came in, hit a quick trip and tagged out to Ellering who hit a running senton for a two count. Hirsch came in and got pulled off the apron by Martinez, which set up a Diamante neckbreaker in the ropes. Martinez hit an anarchist suplex off the ropes for a two count. Diamante hit a snap suplex for a two count on Hirsch. Hirsch tried to fight out with forearms but Diamante put her down with an arm wringer and mounted punches and then got a two count cover.

Diamante threw Hirsch into Martinez’ knee. Martinez tagged in and worked Hirsch over in the corner with strikes. Diamante missed a running dropkick and Hirsch hit a cartwheel german suplex. Ellering got the hot tag and hit a running elbow and a sling blade on Martinez. Ellering his a crosslegged suplex that got a broken up nearfall. Hirsch hit a knee on Diamante and a suplex. Martinez hit a spinebuster on Hirsch. Ellering broke up a wheelbarrow move attempt but got hit with a standing sliced bread from Diamante and an air raid crash from Marintinez for the pinfall.

Mercedes Martinez and Diamante defeated Rachel Ellering and Leyla Hirsch by pinfall.

After the match while Martinez and Diamante celebrated, we got a quick shot of Ellering and Hirsch talking and shaking hands…

Robinson’s Ruminations: The story here was Ellering sacrificed herself, and the match to make a save for Hirsch. The building of a friendship meant they took a loss here, and I think that’s ok, as they lost to an established team.

A video recapped Eddie Kingston’s journey through the Continental Classic and clips of his interview afterwards…

9. Kyle Fletcher vs. Willie Mack for the ROH TV Championship. Fletcher kicked away the code of honor. Fletcher got an early headlock takeover. The men hit a stalemate shoulder block and then they went crazy with some lucha rolls and wheelbarrows and such until Mack hit a wheelbarrow arm drag and a flying head scissors. Mack tried a crossbody but Fletcher caught him and hit a spinning side slam. Fletcher mounted with punches for a bit. There was an “Aussie Aussie Aussie” chant that Fletcher ignored. Fletcher chopped Mack in the corner but Mack returned fire with chops of his own. Fletcher came back with a running back elbow that got him a two count. Fletcher hit pair of a wrist lock scoop slams.

Fletcher tried for a third but Mack blocked and came back with a clothesline and a spinning heel kick. Mack hit a scoop slam of his own. Mack hit a cannonball in the corner. Mack did the Macarena and hit a standing moonsault for a two count. Fletcher hit a half nelson suplex and caught his breath and rubbed his jaw. Fletcher hit a running boot in the corner and shot Mack to the other side. Mack tipped up and a flipped out with a handspring but ate a kick to the face for it. Fletcher hit a brainbuster and got a two count and was upset that wasn’t the finish. Fletcher yelled at the fans and teed up for a move, but Mack hit a running shining wizard for the double down.

The crowd chanted “Willie” as Mack tried for a powerbomb. Mack hit a running razor’s edge in the corner. Mack locked in a sloppy looking cloverleaf but Fletcher grabbed the ropes to break it up. Fletcher came back with a superkick and went to the top rope. Mack cut him off and followed him up. Fletcher scooped him up and hit a scoop slam from the middle rope but it only got Fletcher a two count. Fletcher hit a running kick to the back of the head. Fletcher went for his hammerlock tombstone but couldn’t get Mack up so he diverted to a normal piledriver setup and did a knee fall piledriver to get the pinfall.

Kyle Fletcher defeated Willie Mack by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Why wasn’t this match the main event? Shouldn’t one of your titles take precedence over a random lucha match? They clearly have the ability to edit the shows, so put them on in whatever order you want in the building, but make the show run in a way that gives prestige to your championships. As for the match itself, it wasn’t bad but maybe a little slow in the middle. It seemed like Fletcher was doing some stalling.

Backstage Lexi congratulated a depressed Dalton Castle on his win tonight and asked him about distracting Johnny TV and asked if it was in retaliation. Castle said he hasn’t slept since Final Battle because he’s worried about the state of ROH. Castle said TV had taken everything from him. TV and Valkyrie came in and TV complained about his loss last week. Castle said shut up and said he would not rest until he had satisfaction. Valkyrie got in the middle and cut Castle off and then made out with TV for a bit while Castle said “Ew”. Lexi and Castle starred as the other two walked off…

We got a quick rundown of some matches for other shows with “ROH Talent” on them…

10. Gringo Loco and “The Workhorsemen JD Drake and Anthony Henry vs. Lee Johnson, Komander and El Hijo del Vikingo (w/Alex Abrahantes). Henry hit a shoulder block on Johnson and avoided the Johnson dropkick. Johnson came right back with two dropkicks, but got put down by a back elbow. Loco and Komander tagged in. Loco hit a quick chop but got tripped. Komander hit an arm drag off a rope bounce. Komander hit a huracanrana.

Komander did a turnbuckle headstand and hit a springboard somersault flying headscissors. Drake and Vikingo tagged in and they traded chops in the middle of the ring until Vikingo avoided one and hit a few kicks. Vikingo slid out of the ring and hit a triple jump lucha arm drag. Drake it a running flying head scissors of his won to massive crowd pop! Vikingo hit a flying head scissors that sent Drake to the outside. Vikingo thought about a dive by Henry cut it off. Action spilled to the floor and Loco hit a flip dive on the pile.

Drake hit his popup rope bounce forearm on Vikingo who got rolled into a Henry frog splash from the top that got Drake a two count. Workhorsemen hit a series of tandem strikes that got them a two count. Loco tagged in and he hit a press into an over the shoulder powerslam. Henry tagged in and clubbed Vikingo and taunted the crowd. Vikingo to the hot tag to Johnson who came in with clotheslines on Henry and a neckbreaker. Johnson flip dove on Henry on the outside.

Komander got the tag and crossbody dove on to Loco and Drake. Komander hit a springboard double arm drag thing on Drake and Loco. Vikingo and Komander both hit moonsualts off the top turnbuckle on the pile outside. “This is awesome” from the crowd as Vikingo hit an X Knee on Henry. Vikingo tried a pop up huracanrana but got caught by Henry. Vikingo and Komander got on each other’s shoulders but Loco came in and gave them both electric chair slams. Henry hit a top rope double stomp on Komander. Komander got a rollup on Loco out of a wheelbarrow for the pinfall on Drake.

Lee Johnson, Komander and El Hijo del Vikingo defeated Gringo Loco and The Workhorsemen by pinfall.

After the match, Johnson and Vikingo helped Komander to his feet, cause it looked like he got his bell rung a little bit. Not sure if that was selling or not.

Robinson’s Ruminations: A crazy lucha match. There were all kinds of nutso things there, and it was action that got the crowd engaged. I guess that’s why it was the main event?

The overall show was another quick hour and a half with some good build up in the women’s division, some continuity on storytelling, and some good action. This is the kind of show I want from ROH going forward. Not too long, not too many squash matches or matches that don’t mean enough.

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The post ROH on HonorClub results: Robinson’s review of El Hijo del Vikingo, Komander, and Lee Johnson vs. JD Drake, Anthony Henry, and Gringo Loco, Kyle Fletcher vs. Willie Mack for the ROH TV Title – Pro Wrestling Dot Net appeared first on WorldNewsEra.


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