Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

A BRITISH traitor fighting for Vladimir Putin in Ukraine has shamelessly insisted he is “willing to die” for his Russian comrades.

Pathetic Aiden Minnis, 37, has been disowned by his own family in the UK and brags about life on the frontline.

Aiden Minnis is fighting for Russia in Ukrainevk

Minnis (circled) posing up proudly with an Irish flag next to troops holding a Russian flag

The spineless Brit believes he is “doing the Lord’s work” by joining Moscow’s forces.

He claims he helps “lay landmines and explosives” that kill Ukrainian soldiers.

Minnis, from Wiltshire, even said his proudest moment since enlisting was “swearing an oath to Russia and standing with my unit as the national anthem played”.

The former National Front thug said he is “willing to die” for the Russian troops he fights alongside.

Minnis, who is currently in Luhansk, told the Mirror: “I want to live and I plan to live, but it’s in God’s hands.

“I’m prepared to die for the cause if necessary.

“I get on really well with them, they are my brothers, I trust them and I will die for them.”

His disgraceful comments emerged after SAS legend “Big Phil” Campion branded Minnis a “thrill-seeking gamer” who “should never be allowed back to the UK”.

Minnis – previously convicted for a racist attack – insists he has no plans to return to the UK after serving in Putin’s army.

He has applied for Russian citizenship – and claims he would “be arrested” if he tried to return to Britain.

The treacherous Brit said his role as a “sapper” involves “anything from technical work, to laying mines and explosives”.

He added: “I fight for Donbas. It isn’t a computer game or an adventure for me. It’s tough.”

Minnis was one of two traitor Brits this week unmasked as traitors caught fighting against Ukraine.

His “best British friend in the Russian army” is Ben Stimson, who was previously convicted for terrorism after helping pro-Russian separatists.

The 48-year-old from Oldham shared videos online from the frontline brazenly flaunting Russian military gear and gloating: “Yes, yes, I’m back in Russia. I’m back in uniform.”

His dad Martin Stimson, 76, a Morris dancer and former councillor, said the shame of watching his son fight for Putin was too much.

Speaking from his quiet cottage home, tucked away in the village of Mossley, Martin described his son’s actions as “crazy”.

Martin told The Sun: “He was released from prison and then he told me he was going to Russia to be a teaching assistant.

“I’ve had so little to do with him in recent years that I didn’t know whether to take it seriously or not.

“He has never shown any interest in joining the forces here, or in fighting in general, so I didn’t think it would be fight with the Russian army.”


Minnis and Stimson are the first known Brits to make the shameful choice to fight for Russia.

SAS legend Phil labelled them “traitors to the Crown” who have “made their bed and now have to lie in”.

SAS veteran Phil fumed: “These two creatures – I will call them creatures as what they’re doing is completely wrong – I feel as strongly about them as Shamima Begum going over to ISIS and like her, they shouldn’t come back.

“They have made their bed so lie in it, you’ve picked your side. You’re not welcome in the UK… we don’t want you.

“Those two have shown allegiance to somebody else who is against the way we live.

“If you do come back – you need to be lifted, interrogated for what you did, punished accordingly…You’re done and dusted.”

He said that there is a long history of UK mercenaries that fight all over the world, but it is “very unusual” to do it against UK interests and fight against their ally.

Phil added: “This stinks of men who haven’t been trained properly, too busy thrill-seeking and will give up any morals for a price.

“If you throw your country under the bus you don’t deserve to come back and you deserve everything coming to you….They are traitors.”

FacebookBen Stimson (pictured posing with a grenade), from Oldham, flew to Russia to fight in Putin’s army[/caption]

Paul Rogers – The TimesFormer SAS fighter Phil Campion raged that they are ‘traitors’ who should never be allowed back to the UK[/caption]


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