Love Is Blind is a reality TV series created by Chris Coelen and produced by Kinetic Content. It made its debut in 2020 and it has been one of Netflix’s most successful shows since then. After the recent wrap-up of sixth season, fans have now flooded the internet with questions about Love Is Blind season 7. This article aims to answer all those related questions.
Netflix’s one of the biggest hits, Love Is Blind, is brought to viewers with a modern approach to today’s dating scenario. You would agree that almost everyone is looking for a love that is blind; well, in this show, it really is. This innovative show features people who want to get into a relationship, not based on how they look but on what their hearts are like. The beloved drama concluded its sixth installment not long ago, and fans have already started anticipating a seventh season.
Will there be a Love Is Blind season 7?
Kinetic Content’s Love Is Blind is among the streaming giant’s global hits. Marrying someone without meeting them might sound surprising but equally intriguing, doesn’t it? Nevertheless, as long as people do not find their soulmates, Netflix will maintain its position as their cupid. Yes, you guessed it right. The reality television series has been renewed by the OTT giant, and it will return to your screens once again.
Do we have Love Is Blind season 7 release dates?
Netflix made the renewal announcement for the seventh season of the reality series even before its sixth season aired. The news is not surprising, considering how the previous seasons ranked in the Netflix Top 10 chart. We understand that it is getting difficult to control your excitement considering the unscripted stories it brings, but there is no official release date as of now. However, fans have been speculating its release around September or October of this year.
Image Credit: Netflix
What are these speculations based on?
There is no confirmation made by the makers, so all we can do right now is have faith in the rumored dates. If you are wondering where these theories arise from, have a look at the details mentioned below.
Seasons of Love Is BlindRelease DateLove Is Blind season 1February 13, 2020Love Is Blind season 2February 11, 2022Love Is Blind season 3October 19, 2022Love Is Blind season 4March 24, 2023Love Is Blind season 5September 22, 2023Love Is Blind season 6February 14, 2024Love Is Blind season 7Not released yet
We hope that it will be even easier for you to observe the pattern of these release dates. This is the reason why fans are guessing that Love Is Blind season 7 will be released around the ninth or tenth month of this year.
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What do we know about Love Is Blind season 7 cast?
The hardcore fans of this series would know that Netflix’s tease game is quite strong. No matter how desperately you are anticipating meeting the new peas in the pods, you need to have some patience.
The OTT giant usually announces the cast for Love Is Blind just a few weeks before its premiere. Thus, we can expect it to follow the same pattern for the seventh season. With its release window predicted to be between September and October, we can expect the Love Is Blind season 7 couples to be announced a few days before it airs.
Meanwhile, reports suggest that Nick and Vanessa Lachey, who have been hosting the series since its first season, will make an exciting comeback in season 7.
Source: Netflix
Have the creators disclosed Love Is Blind season 7 location?
Neither Netflix nor the production company have commented on the Love Is Blind season 7 location. However, several speculations surfaced online after a poster for a casting call in Minneapolis, Minnesota, went viral. The locations, meanwhile, for the previous season are listed below.
SeasonLocationSeason 1AtlantaSeason 2Chicago Season 3Dallas Season 4Seattle Season 5Houston Season 6Charlotte Season 7No Information
Lastly, as of now, we have no concrete information about where Love Is Blind season 7 will be filmed.
In essence, we can say that the beloved series will soon make a comeback to excite viewers. We only have limited details as of now, and they are mentioned in the article. Nonetheless, we shall update our readers with the latest updates as soon as any official announcement is made.
The post Love Is Blind To Mark Its Seventh Installment On Netflix Very Soon appeared first on The Next Hint.