A British supernatural thriller series, The Rig, earned immense appreciation for its ambience and appealing performance. Debuted on 6 January 2023, the first season was created by David MacPherson, and released on the OTT giant, Amazon Prime Video; it went on to garner huge anticipation for a second season and ratings of 67 per cent by a review aggregator, Rotten Tomatoes. Here’s all you need to know about The Rig Season 2.
About The Rig
Rig is a British supernatural thriller series which was created by David Macpherson for Amazon Prime Video. Directed by John Strickland, the series was released on the streaming giant on 6 January 2023. Follows the story of an ancient oil rig and a giant parasite, while the series received an average review aggregator rating, critics praised it for its appealing performance. A critic shared his feedback that read, “The Rig may not plumb its full potential thanks to too many crude clichés, but this supernatural eco-thriller has enough ambience and appealing performances to make for a solid binge.”
Will There Be The Rig Season 2?
The Prime Video supernatural thriller series, The Rig, has been planned for a second season. With the series renewal on February 22, 2023, the series was planned to initiate its filming by the end of 2023.
The announcement came along with the creator’s Macpherson comment that read, “In series two, I’m looking forward to expanding the world of our show through the eyes of our excellent cast, as we deliver more shocks and thrills and delve deeper into both our characters’ and our show’s expanding original mythology.“
The Rig Season 2 Release Dates
The forthcoming season, following a filming and renewal update has not received any information that confirms a release date. Since the renewal came only months before the SAG-AFTRA writer’s strike, there’s a possibility that the season might have faced an unexpected delay.
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Who is in the cast of The Rig Season 2?
The Rig Season 2’s potential cast includes,
Emily Hampshire as Rose Mason
Iain Glen as Magnus MacMillan
Martin Compston as Fulmer Hamilton, the radio and communications officer on the Kinloch Bravo crew
Mark Bonnar as Alwyn Evans
Rochenda Sandall as Cat Braithwaite
Owen Teale as Lars Hutton
Calvin Demba as Baz Roberts, a young, relatively inexperienced crew member who wants to get off the rig
Emun Elliott as Alec “Leck” Longman
Abraham Popoola as Easter Ayodeji
Stuart McQuarrie as Colin Murchison
Molly Vevers as Heather Shaw
Dougie Rankin as William Johnson
Nikhil Parmar as Harish
Mark Addy as David Coake
Plot For A Second Season of The Rig
Similar to its release dates, a confirmed plot for the British series is awaited. However, the second season was teased by the creator, along with a sneak peek into what’s new in the season that read, “The crew will have to deal with the emotional and physical fallout of the epic series 1 finale and contend with swirling conspiracies, conflicts, and new threats from the dark depths of the world’s oceans it has unleashed. Series 2 of The Rig will continue exploring global themes about the past, present, and future of the planet, all while delivering epic thrills and gripping action for its compelling cast of characters. “It was always my aim to build a story that starts in Scotland but speaks to a global audience about global themes.”
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Updates About The Rig Season 2
The Rig’s second season, following an updated renewal, has kept other details under wraps. However, the previous announcements stated that the new instalment will be filmed at the end of 2023. Additionally, the filming location was set to FirstStage Studios in Edinburgh.
Source: Prime Video
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