Wed. Jan 1st, 2025


Moon Knight, with the help of his god Khonshu, unleashes his ultimate attack on a zombie Iron Man, tearing right through his armor.
Moon Knight had been holding back his true power until Iron Man threatened a group of survivors, prompting him to unleash his full fury.
This impressive feat raises the question of whether Moon Knight could easily duplicate it on Earth-616 and reveals the potential of his full power.

Warning: contains spoilers for “Deliverance,” appearing in Marvel Zombies: Black, White, and Blood #1

Marvel has revealed that Moon Knight, at maximum strength, can shred right through Iron Man’s armor. In the first issue of the anthology Marvel Zombies: Black, White, and Blood, Moon Knight, working alongside his patron god Khonshu, are helping a city plagued by a zombie outbreak when they are confronted by a zombie Iron Man. With his back up against the wall, Moon Knight unleashes his ultimate attack on Tony Stark.

“Deliverance,” appearing in Marvel Zombies: Black, White, and Blood #1, is written by Ashley Allen and drawn by Justin Mason. Moon Knight, along with Khonshu, are helping evacuate people from the city when Iron Man, now a zombie, arrives with Anubis. Iron Man then attacks Moon Knight, infecting him with the zombie virus. With it spreading through his body, Moon Knight calls on Khonshu to help him fight off Iron Man. Moon Knight begins to get the upper hand, and Anubis leaves the scene. Then, Moon Knight unleashes his full fury on Iron Man, tearing through his armor and killing him in a brutal fashion.

Iron Man’s Armor Is Indestructible…Almost

Since his first appearance over 60 years ago, Iron Man has gone through a number of armors, ranging from the clunky first models to the Extremis armor. These armor suits are the pinnacle of technological achievement, the products of one of the greatest intellects Earth has ever known. Iron Man has designed suits of armor for a variety of occasions, including ones for space travel. Needless to say, Iron Man’s armors are an integral part of him, and Moon Knight tore through one as if it did not exist.

Moon Knight Has Been Holding Back

It was an impressive feat on Moon Knight’s part. The zombie Iron Man’s armor was damage free when he first discovered Moon Knight, and Tony ended up getting a few good hits in on Marc, enough to turn him into a zombie. Part of this was because Moon Knight was holding back, refusing to completely surrender himself to Khonshu. Indeed, Marc pulled his punches until Iron Man threatened a group of survivors. Since they were technically travelers at night, that brings them under Moon Knight’s purview, and he then unleashes his full fury on Iron Man. Moon Knight shreds through the armor, effectively killing Tony.

Related: Iron Man’s Future Armor Introduced His Ultimate Weapon: The Nova Wave

Can Moon Knight Do This Every Time?

While this story takes place on an alternate Earth, it stands to reason that Moon Knight could easily duplicate this feat on Earth-616. Iron Man and Moon Knight have met a few times, but never under such dire circumstances as those in the story. Should the two ever throw down on Earth-616, all Moon Knight will need to do is invoke Khonshu’s full power. Fans have rarely seen Moon Knight go all out in such a fashion, but it was a matter of survival for him and other travelers at night. Moon Knight’s full power is hardly ever tested, but it is enough to kill Iron Man.

Marvel Zombies: Black, White, and Blood #1 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!

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The post Moon Knight’s Maximum Strength Can Officially Shred Iron Man’s Armor appeared first on WorldNewsEra.


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