Fri. Dec 27th, 2024

While playing as Inspector Saga in Alan Wake 2, you may come across lunchboxes with an “Alex Casey” logo, with weapon upgrade parts you can use if you find all the locations of these items. Every lunchbox is found while you explore the game’s small town while also trying to solve the murders tied to it. Collecting each Alex Casey box scattered across three major districts gives you better tools to fight enemies throughout the story.

There are 21 Alex Casey lunchboxes, all within the Watery, Bright Falls, and Cauldron Lake areas you’re free to explore as Saga. Unlike the Cult Stashes that unlock items like the Crossbow weapon in Alan Wake 2, you do not need to solve a puzzle to collect a lunchbox. Interacting with an Alex Casey box opens it, revealing a small message and giving you a small amount of Manuscript Fragments.

Manuscript Fragments are used in weapon upgrades when you travel to Inspector Saga’s Mind Place. These improvements range from increased ammo capacity, higher damage, or even greater accuracy to your shots.

Every Lunchbox Location In Cauldron Lake

The closer you get to a lunchbox, you might see a small white interact symbol appear that leads you to the collectible. Look for a symbol of three horizontal lines or a briefcase icon on your map that indicates the location of a lunchbox you can investigate in Alan Wake 2. Even if the item found isn’t one of the lunch boxes, you may discover something else, like a Nursery Rhyme, Charm, or even a powerful new weapon.

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How to Find

Map Image

Lunchbox #1

Go toward the FBC Station to the right of the Murder Site below the General Store. You can find the lunchbox on a ledge next to this radio tower.

Lunchbox #2

To the south of the Witch’s Ladle, you will find a secluded campsite close to a fence. The lunchbox is past the tent near some felled logs surrounded by brightly colored rocks.

Lunchbox #3

Immediately to the left of the Bony-Legged Path, you will find the lunchbox north of the General Store along the road. Look for the fallen trees and painted rocks once again.

Lunchbox #4

Travel to the Witch’s Hut, then go right across the small bridge to see the lunchbox sitting next to the fuse box for the house.

Lunchbox #5

Far to the north at the Wishfinder’s Station, the lunchbox sits on cliffs just to your right. You’ll be able to spot the right path with the item by seeing a talisman hanging from the trees painted with the same colors as the rocks next to the box.

Lunchbox #6

Starting from the Witch’s Hut again, go toward the large river at the northwest section of the map. From here, travel north along the stream until you reach a waterfall. The lunchbox is hinted at with a small set of painted rocks on a log; you will spot the item right where the waterfall starts.

Lunchbox #7

The clearing at the end of the Bony-Legged Path holds this lunchbox, found at the western edge of the location at the edge of a cliff littered with painted rocks. Look out for an informative nature sign that acts as a landmark on this path.

Lunchbox #8

You must have Bolt Cutters to reach this lunchbox, which is found within the Rental Cabins to the east of Cauldron Lake. Go through the first cabin, then turn around outside to go into the cabin on your left. The box sits on a table to your left as you enter the back door.

Every Lunchbox Location In Bright Falls

Seven more lunchboxes are situated around Bright Falls, the main town you travel to during the game’s story. This section may not hold the hardest-to-find items in Alan Wake 2 due to the buildings and structures standing out. Instead of exploring the dense forests with few hints towards a lunchbox, here you can identify where certain spots are faster to grab these collectibles.


How to Find

Map Image

Lunchbox #9

At the edge of Baltimore Avenue at the map’s eastern edge, you will find the lunchbox at the park across the street under a tree next to the gazebo.

Lunchbox #10

To the left of Bunker Woods, past the small creek, follow the trail until you find two trees painted like the rocks near a lunchbox. Break off the main road up a hill to find the item you want at the top.

Lunchbox #11

Approach the Manor in Bright Falls from the northeast to enter from the side. Immediately turn right to find a lunchbox sitting on a shelf in the room where a map of the Manor can be seen.

Lunchbox #12

Below the Valhalla Nursing Home and to the southwest of the Wellness Center, you can continue on a trail. Keep going forward on this path until you break off into the rocks to your right. The lunchbox is hidden in the woods, so watch for the painted rocks to spot it.

Lunchbox #13

Head along the path close to the Ranger Station past a rocky valley until you spot a stack of painted rocks on a ledge. Go off the trail from here to the right until you reach the lunchbox in a clearing.

Lunchbox #14

From Lunchbox #13, keep going on the main trail toward the beach before turning right to see two painted trees with a lunchbox between them.

Lunchbox #15

Within Billie’s Boat Yard, you can approach the trail from Lunchbox #14 and then go south when you enter the area. The lunchbox here will be close to a docked vessel or two next to two painted trees.

Every Lunchbox Location in Watery

Only six lunchboxes are found in Watery, one of the largest areas in Alan Wake 2 that may be difficult to navigate compared to the other two regions. Take your time and watch for the same icons to track each collectible as you did in Bright Falls and Cauldron Lake. Feel free to travel back and forth between all three areas as you progress through the story, but be careful to collect each lunchbox before passing beyond the point of no return.


How to Find

Map Image

Lunchbox #16

Almost toward the top of the map, go toward a Radio Tower northeast of Latte Lagoon. The lunchbox is on the edge of a cliff in the corner of the area.

Lunchbox #17

At the northeast edge of Coffee World, go down from the top section of Latte Lagoon along a path before heading to the left on your map. With the Ferris Wheel in view, head up to a small campsite with the lunchbox next to one of the tents.

Lunchbox #18

Go south from the center of Coffee World, and you’ll find a lunchbox right outside next to the main exit.

Lunchbox #19

Back in Coffee World, go past Huotari Well and Espresso Express to reach Kalevala Knights Workshop. Turn right in front of the Workshop entrance, then find the lunchbox near a shed with some painted rocks.

Lunchbox #20

At the Lighthouse Trailer Park below the Cultist Sighting, enter the gate, then turn immediately to the right. Past the playground, there should be a painted tree with the lunchbox below it.

Lunchbox #21

The south area of Watery leads to the Watery Lighthouse, with a rest stop along the trail. As soon as you reach this spot, head to the edge of the cliff near the building to find the final lunchbox.

Once you find all the Alex Casey Lunchbox Locations, you should be able to enhance your weapons to a point where they can handle any evil that lurks in the forests of Alan Wake 2.

Alan Wake 2

Alan Wake

PlayStation 5, PC, Xbox Series X/S


Remedy Entertainment

Epic Games

Survival Horror


Alan Wake, Alan Wake’s American Nightmare

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The post All Alex Casey Lunchbox Locations In Alan Wake 2 appeared first on WorldNewsEra.


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