Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

THE WORLD’S crocodile attack is dealing with a infestation of violent, big toothed monsters who have attacked and killed hundreds of people.

Innocent residents have been eaten alive by the ferocious saltwater crocodiles- some of which can reach a terrifying 26 feet – as officials struggle to address the dangerous situation.

The ferocious predators have nearly 70 teeth

A body is removed from a 26ft croc after an attack in March 2021

ViralPressRescuers often have to cut open the beasts to get the victim[/caption]

‘The Demon’ was a croc so large he had to be moved by a digger

The massive crocs which terrorise Indonesia have a bite force of 3,700 pounds per square inch – and can easily tear off limbs.

More than 1,000 people have been attacked by the beasts in the last decade, with 450 being killed.

Last year, a teenage boy was beheaded and torn apart while fishing with his pals at a lake in the country.

Farjan Idham’s body was recovered days later – after the bloodthirsty crocs patrolled his mutilated corpse, blocking rescuers from retrieving the lad.

In many instances, people have been swallowed whole by the crocs, sentencing them to a slow and painful death.

An eight year old boy’s body was cut out of one of the 26ft-long beasts stomach after the animal swallowed the child whole in front of his dad.

Dimas Saputra was dragged into murky water as his dad frantically swam after the huge reptile, say reports.

Another 16.5ft long beast pounced on Devi Binti Sulaiman, 17, while she was cooling off with friends near the Sebamban River in South Kalimantan, Indonesia.

The croc – who had no teeth – was still able to swallow the girl whole with its massive jaws.

And one crocodile killed a young girl in front of her horrified friends while she was out swimming.

According to reports, the teen and her friends were washing their clothes in the river before diving in the water to play.

Her pals then watched helplessly and rushed to call their parents for help as Maria disappeared underwater.

The ravenous reptiles have posed a big problem for Indonesian authorities, who can’t legally cull the beasts, as they’re under protection.

But the laws don’t stop furious locals from killing the beasts in revenge for slaughtering their family and friends.

In 2018, a crocodile killed an Indonesian man so his village slaughtered 300 of the predators in a bloody revenge.

And one croc, nicknamed “The Demon” due to its stunning 4.5metre body and weighing in at 2,000 pounds was beheaded after terrorising locals for half a century.

The giant croc died from exhaustion after getting tangled in nets laced with razor-sharp blades.

Locals buried the head and body separately because they believe this stops the “demon” animal returning to “haunt” them.

Despite successful past killings of the reptiles, they’re difficult to catch – their massive size and speeds both in water and on land make them a fierce opponent.

Male saltwater crocs can weigh up to 2,000 pounds, while females weigh in around 300.

They’re the biggest reptiles in the world, have nearly 70 razor sharp teeth and can live up to 70 years.

And they can reach speeds of up to 6 miles per hour in the water and some have been documented reaching speeds of 12 miles per hour on land.

Even more terrifying, if the beasts lose a tooth while chomping down on their prey, they can simply grow a new one.

Despite ritualistic killings of the beasts after they attack innocent humans, they remain a massive issue for Indonesia.

The question of why the beasts attack in Indonesia remains for those who live in fear of the terrifying animals.

After hunting the animals was banned in the 1970s, their population has recovered well – which may contribute to the higher levels of attacks.

And the areas where attacks are happening are populated by fishermen – some think that the crocs are being forced inland to avoid being fished in the seas.

Mining on some Indonesian islands may also contribute to the attacks, as the crocs are living in mining pits near people’s homes, according to the BBC.

Abandoned mining pits are often flooded with water, and many families use it as a water source.

Local girl Sariah was attacked while fetching water in a nearby pit to her home – unaware a croc was lurking nearby.

She said her experience will haunt her forever: “Sometimes when I sleep, the attack comes back to me in my dreams.”

Authorities recommend staying away from areas where the beasts may lurk – like mining pits and the shorelines at night.

Locals have also been urged to bathe and wash their clothes in clear, shallow waters to avoid an attack.

Yet the government are still scrambling to save lives and prevent further tragedies from occurring, as the crocs continue their reign of terror in Indonesia.

Farjan Idham, 15, was mauled to death by a crocodile

Devi Binti Sulaiman, 17, while she was cooling off with friends near the Sebamban River when she was attacked

Intan Maria Sari, 14, was fatally attacked by a crocodile


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