Chainsaw Man Season 2: When Will the Manga Series Premiere?
Chainsaw Man, an anime television series based on the Manga series, illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto, made its debut on October 12, 2022 and premiered 12 episodes. Meanwhile, owing to Manga’s…
The Remarkable Journey of Business Meetings and Conferences
Our corporate world has undergone a dynamic transformation, particularly when we observe the way we hold business meetings and conferences. They have journeyed from oak-lined boardrooms with cigar-smoking executives to…
Ratched Season 2: What We Know So Far
“Ratched”, the prequel series to “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” premiered on Netflix in 2020. It initially received a two-season order, but the status of Ratched season 2 remains…
Understanding Ethereum 2.0 (Serenity): A Comprehensive Guide
With the introduction of various blockchain networks and their inherent tokens, Ethereum has revolutionized the blockchain landscape. The impending Ethereum 2.0 upgrade promises to take the platform to greater heights.…
Ukraine: ‘I lost my arm and ate dog food to survive’ – the unprecedented loss of limbs in war-torn country
“Incoming!” One word and then Gosha’s life changed forever. The mortar exploded right next to the 30-year-old Ukrainian soldier. If his friend, Vasian, hadn’t shouted, Gosha wouldn’t have turned. The…