The tiny ‘hidden gem’ village voted one of the UK’s prettiest
Most people have heard of The Archers, the world’s longest-running soap opera aired on the radio. The show is set in Ambridge, a quintessentially English village where detached houses with…
Inside Anish Kapoor’s spellbinding new exhibition in Florence
Kapoor’s trippy mirror sculptures, hotly-debated Vantablack artworks, and a giant cube-shaped pavilion invite visitors to question reality in a new blockbuster exhibition at the Palazzo Strozzi in Florence. ADVERTISEMENT We’ve…
Taylor Swift ‘Eras’ Film Review Goes Viral for Ridiculous Criticism
Taylor Swift‘s ‘Eras’ film got torched by a critic who likened her movie to the downfall of society as we know it — and all we can say about this…
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Michelin
Let’s go back to 1829, when the Scottish Elisabeth Pugh-Barker, niece of the chemist who discovered rubber was soluble in benzine (Charles Macintosh), married French entrepreneur Edouard Daubree of Auvergne.…
Gold weekly forecast 23-27.10 for FOREXCOM:XAUUSD by SerpentForexClub
After two strong weeks, gold may slow down, starting with a retracement. The most likely scenario is that the price will go down, break the channel and fool the traders…