Can We Dig Our Way Out of the Waste Crisis?
“Waste has always been inflicted upon the margins,” said Oliver Franklin-Wallis, author of the new book “Wasteland: The Secret World of Waste and the Urgent Search for a Cleaner Future.”…
NYC Failing to Process Most Food Stamp, Cash Benefit Applications on Time
Timely processing rates plummeted to under 30 percent for cash assistance applications and under 40 percent for SNAP for the fiscal year ending in June, according to the latest Mayor’s…
PÓDCAST: ¿Cómo ha cambiado el proceso de petición de asilo desde los noventas y en qué consiste el ‘parole’?
Más de 113.300 migrantes han llegado a la ciudad de Nueva York desde la primavera de 2022, y más de 59.900 solicitantes de asilo se encuentran bajo el cuidado de…
After Pressure, NYCHA Publishes Comprehensive List of Laws Governing Tenants
After a more than year-long push from lawyers with the New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG), the housing authority is publishing all of its regulations in one document, which will…
Foundation encourages wealth building for disadvantaged communities
Financial health and wellness webinars, facilitated by financial expert Lynn Richardson, are trying to change grim statistics around African-American financial literacy, wellness and resilience.